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Controlled Quantum Levitation on a Wipe'Out Track

Extremist Jews in Israel Target American Girl

MycroftHomlz says...

@dag... If you think this is an acceptable thing to say insert a different group...

"So stop pretending <insert group> are human beings."
gays, blacks, Latinos, Australians, Asians, Indians, Jews, Christians, Muslims....

I think it is pretty obvious this is over the line, which he has crossed numerous times.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Extremist Jews in Israel Target American Girl

MycroftHomlz says...

I would but people threw a fit when I hobbled @quantumushroom, so now I just ask @dag to do it and avoid the controversy altogether.

>> ^Taint:

May I suggest using your nightstick, officer?

>> ^MycroftHomlz:
Good point. @dag. I suggest a ban.
>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^Engels:
>> ^gorillaman:
So stop pretending jews are human beings.

So, what -does- it take to get banned from Video sift? Clearly outright hate speech doesn't.

Agreed! Down-right, open, hateful antisemitism.

Military Releases Video of Osama's Burial

Military Releases Video of Osama's Burial

dag (Member Profile)

Japan vs. China: Porn

Extremist Jews in Israel Target American Girl

MycroftHomlz says...

@dag, this is directly from the FAQ.

What can't I say in a comment?

We love a good fiery comment thread, but sometimes they go overboard. Please avoid personal attacks. It's okay to criticize ideas but refrain personal insults. Please avoid blatantly racist speech, threats, or other verbal abuse. This goes for comments in public arenas as well as private member profile comments. If a comment is bad enough it will probably be deleted due to negative feedback. If these types of comments are regular occurrences, we will probably ask you to leave the community or simply ban you outright."

It is hypocritical to ban @CaptainPlanet420 for repeated hate speech towards homosexual and transgendered people and give gorillaman a pass for all the crap he says, which after looking at his comments is also homophobic, antisemetic, racist garbage that he should be ashamed of. So, it is time to ban @dag, not warn. If you want, I can go through all his comments and find enough examples to make your head spin.

This kind of garbage is not tolerated on NeoGAF and it shouldn't fly here either.

Extremist Jews in Israel Target American Girl

Extremist Jews in Israel Target American Girl

MycroftHomlz says...

*promote... It is a horrible, shameful thing to force your values on someone else.

On a side note, I am disappointed by the antisemitism going on here. You can do better. I expect as much from @gorillaman. This is the character he plays here. But come on @Fletch. “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." You might hate the christians, but Jesus had a point on that one.

>> ^Fletch:

Silly hats. Silly coats. Silly hair. Silly religion.

>> ^gorillaman:

So stop pretending jews are human beings.

America's Science Decline - Neil deGrasse Tyson

America's Science Decline - Neil deGrasse Tyson

MycroftHomlz says...

I have always wanted to make a plot of federal funding for science plotted as a function of year for the last 50 years.

My suspicion is that Bush was one of the worst supporters of scientific research.

On a separate but related point, I also suspect that major contractions at government research institutions (like NIST, Argonne, Los Alamos, Lincoln labs, etc) occurred during this time, making the places older on average and thereby less apt to do cutting-edge research.

I firmly believe that funding science is correlated with economic prosperity. And that academic and government research can lead to innovation in the private sector. I think this is the primary reason I could never support a candidate that advocated the dismantling or castration of government science.

Have A Very Topless Christmas

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