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Strange Boy Obsessed with Scented Candles

BBC - Flying With The Fastest Birds On The Planet

Japanese Precision at it's Best/Weirdest

Asian Giant Hornet up close

Whose Line is it Anyway: 2 Line Vocab (Dangerous Mission)

Whose Line is it Anyway: 2 Line Vocab (Dangerous Mission)

Why online gamers don't have girlfriends

Mookal says...

I find it interesting that "gamers" are cornered to their own culture. Although it is true that some are near obsessive and create a personal reality that is based around games.

I suppose my point is, that the masses within any online gaming community or medium are representative of the populace as a whole, or at least a significant portion of, given the appropriate numbers (ie, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, with over 4.7 million copies sold in 24 hours, within the UK and USA alone, besides console and PC game players in total).

The douchey, bigot, racist, sexist homophobia that exists online is only an outlet for the people that feel, think and would otherwise act out in the same manner, if not for fear of repercussion by someone or someones in "RL".

The cloak of anonymity is easily a level 40 item. Video games provide an escape in more then one way, I think.

But who am I to say? I've got some Pixel Junk in need of attendance. Oh, and I thought this clip was hilarious.

Louis CK - "Chimps"

Warehouse Pallet Truck Show-Off

Felicia Day Explains Colliding Galaxies

Buckets and balls

Hilarious Irish Rally Co-Driver

Mookal says...

In many rallies (including WRC) drivers are allowed to pre-run the stages with their co-driver and create their own pacenotes. Other times the organizers provide official pacenotes that all teams must use.

Each team has their own style, but pacenotes are a sequence of shorthand created to describe the course. Particularly, the distance to, and severity of corners along with other track anomalies such as jumps or cautions. This particular team (crazy as they are) used speed guidance as well, by means of proper gear selection.

In example:
100 K right 2 into 400 flat

Would be read on the course to mean 100 meters to a level 2 severity kink to the right which then opens to a 400 meter flat. Bend severity is generally rated 1-5/6 where 1 is tight and 5/6 is loose (this can be flipped, depending). Flat means floor it!

Check the Wiki for additional info:

Rachel Maddow: Why Fox News Isn't News

Arm wrestler has one giant arm

Women made redundant by a robot

Mookal says...

Video like this will be shown 40 years from now and laughed at for our "futuristic" ideas. Just like the retro-future visions of the 50's. I still recall kitchen of the future videos made in the 50's-60's.

Still, I wouldn't mind a dish washer that doesn't eventually dump me.

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