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Alabama Campaign Ad: Not a Parody!

Misandry: Men Don't Exist

Mi1ler says...

I feel that the languge points are very true, men are subdivided into smaller groups when it is a positive, but all lumped togeather for the negative.

I have never thought of myself as sexist and I like to belive that I do act as if everyone regardless of gender at the same level, but there have been times where I have heard the arguement or the assertion that simply because my chromosones don't match I must be sexist or don't understand the issue.

The video questions a very deeply ingrained assumption, we accept that men run the world, that men treat women badly and that everything is awesome if you are a dude. When the actuallity of some social problems is the opposite, life expectancy, suicide and homelessness being the examples raised.

Obama to Republicans: You Can't Drive!

Mi1ler says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Obamarx is really good at describing the poop on the plate as brownies but when it's time to eat we still only have sh;t. Left-wing Statism is a failure without any obstruction from the right. The Telepromptesident claimed to want The Job, so quit whining and keep trying to fly that stone kite, Soetoro. At least until November.

Now I am from Canada so I dont really understand most of your mentatlity. But from my persepcitive, above you (geographically), it seems like republican reduction of restictions and regulations on various industries as well as commiting to two wars seems to have put your country into somthing of a hole. Then when people try to restore things to a state where they worked one side(the right, ironically in my opinion the wrong) fights tooth and nail to pass the buck. Now it may be some super long term strategy to mess things up so badly that when a dem comes to power you can shift all the blame onto them focusing everything negative onto them then when the term is up the right wing can blame the lousy past 4 years under dem rule as the fault of the democrats and take back power with a surge of public support.

Your country has a lot of problems and fighting people who are trying to stablize them doesnt help.

Draw Mohammed Day Protests

Mi1ler says...

This reminds me of a question I once heard.

If I buy a teddy bear for $10.
Name the bear Mohammed.
Then sell the bear for $15.

Have I made a profit?

Thats about what I feel on this whole arguement.

Pornography: A Winnable War

Yo-Yo Master Kenny Strasser - Worst Interviewee Ever #1

What Would You Do? Racism In An Upscale Store

Mi1ler says...

The point here is that because it is staged ABC is just setting up a peice to pull on the heart strings of the public. There is no constructive goal in mind here just a ratings grab because they can toss on a tagline "What would you do if confronted by racism" or "Americans ignore reacism in upscale shop." Even if people are offended the line is too narrow to draw here, racism is bad, turning a blind eye to it can be just as bad but in the context of the store is that what is going on? The only negative things going down are the illusion of prejudice and the reactions of patrons. Who are they to tell the people running the store what they should think, no matter if they disagree with it or not. The point here is that its a private store, to quote Voltaire "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." If you walk into a store and they tell you that you cannot shop there do you expect other patrons to come to your defense? Not everyone is Jonny on-the-spot.

I feel that the situation they set up is one that proves nothing and is simply praying on emotions for ratings. In that way the entire set up is manipulative where by the means are the ends and the discussion about how racism is alive or allowed to continue is simply fabricated from a very biased test.

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

You first point misses the point entirely. There was nothing about lawful conduct as the subject of this test. In a certain since, it wasn't even about racism. Racism was just the unpleasant vehicle in which to carry out the real test, what would you DO in this situation.
As to your second point, it is hard to guess the long term effects of exposures such as this. Once again, though, this isn't what this show is about. It isn't about the long term cost analysis of being a racist, it is about the actions we take as people when confronted with things we all take as an evil. Do we take an active role in helping what we all see as a victim, or do we let them suffer their fate? Do we help a stranger that is getting screwed over, or do we ignore the moral conviction?
Personally, I find experiments on the nature of human morality fascinating. So any experiment, no matter how crude, is very intriguing to me. We, of course, have to realize that it is tv, so they choice the best "ratings" shots to air. What I would like to see is all the people that did exactly nothing. I would like to see their faces. I would like to see the struggle. I would like to see the moment when they decide their course. I would love to know all of this, but I can't. So I resolve myself to be mildly amused by it as purely anecdotal. But those reactions we did see, are still very interesting.
For me, I was rather moved by the one lady whom was moved to tears. It wasn't constructive, it didn't help anyone, in a way it was almost childish. But, the depth of her sensitivity to the well treatment of others being violated, to me, was truly beautiful.

What Would You Do? Racism In An Upscale Store

Mi1ler says...

1. These tests are pure bullshit
-you are allowed to be racist as long as you dont cross a few lines, thats freedom of speech and the freedom of owning the store you have the privalige of choosing who to serve. You may not agree with it, it may disgust you but these tests are pure bullshit just done to grab attention and ratings.

2. Though the customers may not do anything in the situation they will probably avoid the store in the future and the negative stuff that was demonstrated will kill the business of the store so it will work out.

3. ABC are jackasses.

Republican Performance Art - Render Unto Obama

Harry Potter is Evil! (Everything Is Terrible)

The Wall of Deaaath

An Important Question About Sex While Pregnant.

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Its a trick!!!

The Best Fight Scene EVAR!

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