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The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies

Mi1ler says...

>> ^BoneyD:

A lot of chick flicks would fail the Bechdel Test as well, btw...
This video goes towards confirming what I've felt in my gut about films for a few years now. More specifically, the lack of female role models in them. For example, try to think of the last kids film that had a female as the protagonist. The last I can think of is Labyrinth (though I'll concede there's probably also been a few since then).
Take this list of kids films for instance and try to count 'em out:

Alice in wonderland, Princess and the frog, Little Mermaid, Coraline, Hanna Montanna the movie, Bratz the movie, The Golden Compass, Nim's island, Nancy Drew, Mulan, Flicka, The Princess Diaries, then any disney movie princess sequel ect... Just to name a few.

The Bechdel Test for Women in Movies

Mi1ler says...

It seems like alot of people are missing the point and equating female pressence in movies to feminism. Its just to show that the depiction of women in films is incredibly minor compared to how male dominated it is.
We can all find films that fail this test but what if you swapped men and women in the question
1. movie with more than 2 male charecters with names
2. they talk to each other
3. they talk to each other about somthing other than women

Now how many films fail this test? Compare that to the number that fail when the questions are about women.

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