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Pirate Bay: Guilty

Memorare says...

I've been on both sides of the issue - i've duped games and i've done commercial game development.

The notion that piracy hurts game developers was disproven way back in the Apple II days.

The argument is: even if they were prevented from pirating, the pirates wouldn't have Purchased your game anyway. Since it's a No Sale either way, you can't be "losing" a sale you never would have made.

Robber surprised when pharmacist opens fire in CVS

Memorare says...

Pops needs to spend more time at the range. One shot, one kill.

And no he won't get fired, he's now a local hero (rightly so), and the company won't risk making a martyr out of him. At worst they'll offer him a fat chunk of money to quietly retire early.

Crash Test Corpses - Using Real Human Cadavers

Skydiving instructor shows how it's done in a wind tunnel

Memorare says...

Forget a ride to the international space station, i want me one of these!

Put HD video screens on all the sideas and show flight footage going over rolling hills, beaches, mountains, whatever.

Those dreams of running along, jumping up and flying would come true!

Parody of NOM's "Gathering Storm" Ad

Cops Mistake 12-Year-Old Girl for Prostitute

Texas threatens secession.

Colbert: Obama Denies Habeas Corpus

Massive Attack - Angel

Memorare says...

If they're ohh soo baaadass why don't we station one or two off the coast of Somalia and see what they can do in a Real world conflict.

They're nothing more that ineffective billion dollar dildos designed for scenarios that will never exist.

John Ziegler Arrested at Katie Couric Journalism Event

Cat's Disappointed After Trying to Sneak Up On Pigeon

Cats acting like a real couple

If only I had a gun

Memorare says...

Strawman video.

Until you've been sitting at home alone and have someone quietly turn the doorknob and try to open the door, you don't know the value of having a gun within reach. Luckily the door bolt was bolted and the .357 was at hand.

Right-wing Bets Against U.S. in Pirate Standoff

Memorare says...

i don't know why someone hasn't sent out some "bait" ships to plink these guys one by one. Also interesting to note that Israeli shipping hasn't been hit (afaik) because their crews are armed and the pirates know it.

Domino's employees fired over YouTube videos

Memorare says...

it aint just Dominoes kids, and it aint just boogers and buttwipes, and it aint just a little sick that you're likely to get.

=Every= restaurant where food is prepared out of public view by unsupervised employees has this going on.

The lawsuit needs to be against Dominoes to change how and where and under who's view food is prepared.

If you can't watch it being cooked or prepared, don't eat it.

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