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The double pendulum gives an example of chaotic motion

Robin Williams Talking About Getting Owned in COD

Wake Up Call

Memorare says...

Very nice, one of the most complete summaries on the subject i've seen.

The Matrix was a perfect intro for the subject matter, itself being an analogy (er, or is that a mataphor?) for what's going on at this point in human history.

The part on the education system resonated with me, i've always thought it bizzarre that parents willingly and blindly send their 5-6 year old children off to total strangers for hours each day, that they are forced to do so under penalty of law, and that no one simply says "No. I'm not going to do that."

Cancer Breakthrough. Believe It.

Self Healing Bio-Concrete

Sam Harris - The Credibility of Miracle Stories

Memorare says...

>> ^MaxWilder:
...a small group of people simply made it all up some time around 50-60 AD.

Eh wot? A small group of people living in Roman occupied Hellenized Palestine under Jewish religious rule got together and cooked up all the gospels and epistles (letters)?

Wow. That's some talent.
Who was this small group? And what was their purpose?

Whoever they were they sure miscalculated since the 1st century guys who 'made it all up' lived wretched lives and died really nasty deaths.

Texas Accidentally Bans All Marriage

Chris Matthews: Americans Don't Bow

Memorare says...

The only people who wouldn't give this gracious gesture are those who are insecure in their own position and authority. Like 'dick' corncobuphisass cheney.

Wonder if dick ever met the pope. You're supposed to bow/kneel and kiss his ring.

Tegan and Sara, you wouldn't like me live

I am not an Animal!

Memorare says...

wow that was excellent.

re: lack of empathy - part of it is the emotional numbing we have to adopt just to make it thru the day. We're bound and gagged (can't fight back, can't talk back) and thrown into a pit of rabid hyenas, jackals and wolverines (supervisors and managers) every day for 8 hours.

By the end of the day the only person i can empathize with is the guy who snaps and shoots up the place.

Rachel Maddow: Shocked Disbelief

Balloon Bass & Box

Yet Another *Asia *WTF *Sexuality Video...

Memorare says...

bwahahaha, kama sutra got nuthin on these guys.
Oh Please, someone translate!

Yet somehow they managed to make 1.5 billion offspring with all this non-intersecting confusion.

Dirty Womens' Soccer

Tom Tancredo Storms Off the Ed Show

Memorare says...

Armchair Warriors - the Sissy Hawk Brigade

A Sissy Hawk Cheer:
“All-out war is still our druthers,
Fiercely fought, and fought by others!”
-Calvin Trillin, Obliviously On He Sails : The Bush Administration in Rhyme

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