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Anchor drop failure resulting in loss of anchor

The Hopscotch Experiment

6 Billion Likes

Porter County Jail escape March 26, 2018

De-Icing 2.0

Delaware Linemen Help Get The Power On in Puerto Rico

How to Read Barcodes

Mekanikal says...

I work for a POS vendor and barcode scanners/printers are the bane of my existence. There are a lot of different types of barcodes and not all scanners will read all barcode types out of the box. Then you have to figure out what barcode type it is....

Debunking Anti-Vaxxers

Mekanikal says...

*quality I thought it was common knowledge that vaccines contained a weakened version of the virus to build an immunity.

QUAKE: Forefather of the Online Deathmatch-LORE in a Minute

Mekanikal says...

I got a 4mb Voodoo 1 passthrough card when they first came out and to this day still think it was the most "holy shit!" game changer I have ever seen. 800x600 using Glide was unreal. I also had a GF 256 and while it certainly smoked the Voodoos in performance, the difference between software rendering and the Glide API was mindblowing.

deathcow said:

I had 3DFX then dual Voodoo-2, then geforce 256

Spain-1 US Navy-0

Childbirth described with a balloon and ping pong ball

Jake tapper schools Ted Crockett

Russians doing sketchy sh*t

Rocket Powered Birthday Cake Does Everything For You

Rocket Powered Birthday Cake Does Everything For You

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