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Are Holiday Trees Christian or Pagan?

LukinStone says...

Yep, I'm an atheist and I think the interviewer was a douche. At least he acknowledged the good point at the every end.

There are quite a few larger issues at stake right now, whether you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" seems childish.

How Battlestar Galactica Can Totally Ruin your Life

LukinStone says...


I agree, the religious stuff was very well done until the last season where they just defaulted to vague, supernatural explanations the plot hadn't quite earned. Good news is it pretty much works until the last couple of episodes, and then its only a minor glitch in an otherwise satisfying conclusion.

end nerd commentary.

TYT on Christopher Hitchens

LukinStone says...

Agreed on the "always think they are right" rebuttal. And, if watching all these videos remembering Hitchens underlines anything about his thinking, to me, it's that he wasn't just paying the idea of the Scientific Method lip service. In debates he seemed arrogant, but he always advocated thinking for yourself over taking anyone's, including his, word for it. And, if you think about what he was usually speaking about, religion, war, cuts through a lot of useless BS and gets to the heart of the matter to say something like "god is not great" or "Mother Theresa was a fraud."

On Iraq...nope...never mind. You covered it.

New Rainbow Six game portrays OWS as terrorists

LukinStone says...

This really isn't much of a surprise, considering the Rainbow Six universe. In the book, the bad guys are crazed lefty eco-terrorists.

I lost interest in the Rainbow Six games when they dumbed down the planning element, becoming yet another twitchy it just me, or are we seeing a ton of game previews that are all cinematic, no gameplay, recently?

Potential Spoilers: Harrison Ford Playing Uncharted 3 Japan

Obama: The poor shouldn't pay higher tax rate than the rich

LukinStone says...

...yeah, so why is this stupid? Or, why am I stupid for thinking this sounds reasonable?

Anyway, if you're gonna call someone else stupid, then work on your grammar first.

"One thing I don't know is that is he that smart or are the people who buy into this are stupid?"

Try...One thing I don't know: Is he that smart, or are the people who buy into this that stupid?

Netflix to Split DVD Service Into New Company: Qwikster

LukinStone says...

I am constantly amazed at what customers expect/want from these guys. The price increase was inevitable. They did a great job of competing with Blockbuster and Hollywood Video and keeping up with the vastly changing streaming market. When the companies that owned these shows and movies realized that streaming was becoming more popular, they renegotiated their contracts with streaming services. There would be no way Netflix could provide their service for the same low price. And, for all the complaining, when I did just a little bit of reading, the reasoning made sense to me. Yes, it costs you more, but that doesn't mean they are taking advantage of their customers.

I'm not sure about this new development, but it makes sense on the surface. I'm interested to see how integrating these two, now separate, services will work. Still, this company has a track record of listening to their customers and this apology, along with the similar email I received this morning, is evidence that they are the kind of company I'd continue to give my business to. Years of dealing with Blockbuster puts this in perspective.

Jamie Kilstein on Gay Marriage

LukinStone says...

Meh, I agree with his points but he annoys me as well.

The fisting line was funny, but his "joke" was more like a novel.

It's much more effective when Lewis Black is ranting, and his face gets all red, and it looks like he's going to have an aneurysm.

Sit Ubu Sit, Good Dog

Boner Killers

Warren Buffet: Increase Taxes on Mega-Rich

LukinStone says...

Why is it morally justified to impose a higher tax rate on the more highly paid? I'm already paying twenty people's worth.. Why should it be more?

It's moral because "you" can still afford gold plated rocket cars with a higher tax rate.

Or, if you believe in Jebus, there's that whole thing about a camel going through the eye of a needle.

Anonymous warns of "Operation Facebook" on Nov 5 2011

And you thought Lulzsec or Anonymous was huge?

Red Tails - Epic Story Of The Tuskegee Fighter Pilots

Epic Meal Time Breakfast Edition

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