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Cluster Bomb vs Cement Mixer

LordOderus says...

I don't think you'll be able to get cluster bombs banned. They serve a very specific role in warfare. Cluster bombs are used to bomb airfields. The intent of a cluster bomb is to do a little bit of damage to as many aircraft and to make as many holes in the runways as possible. It is much harder to repair dozens and dozens of small holes on a runway then it is to repair a single large one.

Mines on the other hand, are designed to deter people from entering areas for fear of death. This can be accomplished in many ways, even with just the threat of mines. Like when people get signs outside their house saying they have an alarm system, when in fact, they do not. Nobody really wants to chance it. Mines are basically antiquated weapons of a different era of warfare.

Why Atheists Care About YOUR Religion

LordOderus says...

Generalization or not, she has some very valid points. In fairness, I think I would have liked it better had she pointed out that most religions denounce violence. It's usually religious extremists that cause all the trouble and violence in the world. I know people that are Catholic, but don't believe that Creationism should be taught in schools. Whenever anyone takes something to an extreme, it can cause trouble. Religion just seems to have a way of magnifying that because it seeps into every aspect of life.

Also, someone referred to her as using a cheap trick by showing cleavage. I fail to see how wearing a somewhat low cut shirt invalidates her argument. If I had to guess, I'd say the fact that she was close to the camera and leaning forward a little bit was more for dramatic effect, not to get her rack on Videosift.

How the Cell Phone + Popcorn Trick Really Works

LordOderus says...

I would imagine that the table blocks a large portion of the microwaves that are emitted. That's probably why they only pop a kernel our two of corn instead of trying to fry and egg or something like that. I'm guessing doing this trick once or twice isn't going to really hurt you. Probably about the same as getting an X-ray. I wouldn't suggest doing it daily though, that would probably have some negative effects on your health. I am of course basing this on absolutely nothing at all. Just my weak understanding of microwaves and electronics.

Bionic Hand

LordOderus says...

I think they might have mentioned the soldiers wounded in Iraq because the Iraq war has had a very high amount of limb-loss casualties. This is due mostly to the body armor our soldiers wear. In previous wars, many of the soldiers that have lost limbs to explosions and shrapnel wouldn't have survived. The body armor has kept the death rate down, but the casualty rate is very high.

Zombie Snake Head - it is still alive!

LordOderus says...

I've killed a fair share of snakes in my time (once with a logging chain, but that's a different story) and both the body and head tend to stay animated for a few minutes at least. I was always told it was just the body twitching and such. Maybe snakes just have a weird nervous system that keeps just sending signals for a minute or two.

Obama calls for civilian paramilitary force

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