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CCTV: King County sheriff's deputy assaulting 15 yr old girl

LordOderus says...

Im surprised no one has applauded the officer for his restraint in not using his tazer or sidearm. I think he did an excellent job of handling the situation.

Oh wait, today isn't opposite day!

That cops has some serious anger issues, and should be kicked from the force and sent to jail. I doubt either one will happen.

yay for America, the fastest growing police state in the world!

Atleast this video is getting a lot of air time on the news. Maybe people will start to wake up.

San Francisco to Introduce Marijuana Legalization Bill

LordOderus says...

Wait, a politician is suggesting something intelligent that doesn't fit the cookie cutter moral code the media has forced onto the world? Please forgive that run on sentence, I'm just in shock!

I keep feeling the ground to see if hell has frozen over.

I guess that will only happen if the bill passes.

I really hope this goes through. It will help every resident of California in one way or another. The additional money the state would make from taxes, the money not wasted on catching, prosecuting and imprisoning non violent offenders. Not to mention the decline in illegal drug dealers. No ones going to go buy from that guy in the shady part of town when they can go to Rite Aid or whatever. Hopefully this is the start of the country thinking logically for once.

3 Minutes Of Why You Should Not Believe Everything You See

LordOderus says...

All politicians spew bullshit and sling mud. That's just the nature of the political beast. The only difference is that republicans have changed it from a sneaky tactic into their one and only tactic. Instead of trying to put out their message and their pros, they instead just try to trash the opposition.

Everyone does it, republicans just do it best. Or worst, depending on your view point.

God wants 10% of your money - Tithe Rap

LordOderus says...

Is there any chance this was like a spoof or something and not actually done to promote donations to the church?


I refuse to accept that people are that stupid. Well, I'm HOPING that people aren't that stupid...

Bill Maher Talks About Marijuana & Michael Phelps Scandal

LordOderus says...

I just don't understand the logic behind punishing the man for smoking pot. The fact that he smokes pot doesn't change the fact that he won a fuck ton of gold medals at the Olympics. It doesn't change the fact that he broke world records and was a national hero. He's still the same person he was, now we just know something about him that some of us don't approve of, so he's suddenly blacklisted. It's silly.

The man is a Olympic hero, let him smoke in peace. The dude earned it.

Cops Mistake 12-Year-Old Girl for Prostitute

LordOderus says...

Damnit. Just...damnit. I like to think of myself as a pacifist and someone that always tries to do the right thing. However, stories like this make the ball of rage in my stomach burn it's way to the surface. Had the police department admitted their mistake and just tried to sweep this under the rug, I would have found this story disturbing, but not rage inducing. As it stands, to arrest the family for protecting their daughter from criminals (that happened to be plain clothes cops) makes me insane with anger.

I usually denounce violence and hope for peaceful solutions, but in this case I can honestly say that I hope some gun crazed vigilante shoots all 3 of those cops in the face. Maybe if cops started fearing the public, they wouldn't choose to act so heavy handed in the future.

I expect this comment to get downvoted to hell because of the above statement, but I sincerely mean it. The police are getting out of control in this country and no one is doing a damn thing about it.

Guy Gets Dumped, Takes Best Revenge Ever (Language NSFW)

Man jumps off a building

David after dentist, high at age 7

LordOderus says...

I've had my fair share of Demerol experiences myself. Usually for the same reason as Overcast. I'm usually pretty coherent while on it. I can think and speak pretty normally, a little slurred perhaps. My biggest reaction is the fact that it feels like my brain isn't connected to my body right. It's hard to get my arms and legs and such to do what I want them to. It's almost like my body is suffering from lag. That and I'm usually pretty sleepy. I find it amusing and frustrating all at the same time.

One of the best days of my life was all because of Demerol. I had just gotten out of an endoscopy. I was still pretty high, and was starving. ( I hadn't eaten for 24 hours prior to the procedure) We stopped at Wendy's on the ride home and I got 2 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers. I would take a bite of the burger, chew, swallow, and then fall asleep. I would then wake up and my first thought would be how hungry I was. Then I would open my eyes and see the burger in my hand. It was like a gift from heaven every time. Must have repeated that process about 20 times before I got home and I was thrilled each time.

Christian "Bashing" Vs. Gay Bashing

Christian "Bashing" Vs. Gay Bashing

LordOderus says...

I think we can all agree that physically hurting someone for a belief, view, opinion, sexual orientation, or anything like that is just wrong and evil. I also think we can all agree that Christians, as well as every other religious peoples, has been attacked in the past (and I'm sure to some extent in the present). The big difference is, that in present day America, Christians aren't beaten, bloodied, and murdered over their beliefs. Gays however are. Also, no one is trying to take away rights from Christians. They are however trying to take them away from Gays. I always find it so hard to accept that everyone has forgotten the golden rule we all learned in kindergarten. "Treat others as you wish to be treated." If everyone followed this simple rule, the world would be a much simpler and better place. Except for sadomasochists, they'd be really misunderstood.

Also, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and whoever else, have no right to be offended when people question or mock their beliefs. They are BELIEFS. You chose to believe them. If you don't like people arguing against your religion, you can just quit. Gay people can't just quit being gay, regardless of what religious extremists might say.

Dungeon Keeper intro

Amazing New Water-Powered Jet Pack

LordOderus says...

If this is real then I'm not sure I'd want to ride that thing. The force of that water must be insane to lift him like that. If your foot got in the steam it would probably flay the skin right off it. I got sprayed by a relatively weak power washer once and it damn near broke my hand. I can't imagine how much force must be required to thrust a human into the air like that. Just know I wouldn't want to get in front of it.

Zero Punctuation: Farcry 2

Animaniacs Sneak One By The Censors

LordOderus says...

I think the coy smile on Prince's face says it all. I'm sure cartoonists try to sneak in little jokes like that all the time. Just look back at all the controversy that popped up over the years with Disney. The penis building in The Little mermaid, the word SEX in the dust in The Lion King. Aladdin supposedly saying "Take off your clothes" to the tiger in... well...Aladdin. I don't really think it's too crazy to assume the same sort of thing goes on with all cartoonists. Heck look at the new spider man cartoon. During a fight with Black cat she says "You better not get your goop in my hair." Now sure, that has a totally innocent meaning in the cartoon, but the choice of words makes me think it was designed to get a laugh out of an older crowd. I dunno, maybe we're all just perverts.

Link to that spider man episode/scene:

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