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Eclectic Method - The Future

World Drone Prix-Dubai

Ghostbusters FanCUT

GHOSTBUSTERS - Official Trailer

"Writing" Mechanical Clock

When Video Game Companies Pay To Get Their Game Reviewed.

LiquidDrift says...

Pretty much all of those Conan gamer clips you see are paid for - he doesn't do that for free!

Many of the top youtube let's players (pewdiepie) will do reviews for 10's of thousands (50k I think I heard). That's not for all reviews, just for games that they weren't planning on reviewing. There's no guarantee they'll give a positive review, so I guess that's how they don't feel icky for that?


Shredding in a human ski suit

Yoga balls are dangerous

LiquidDrift says...

If you are tempted to hold a yoga ball and run at someone else doing the same, make sure that you have more mass then they do, or you will soon be on the ground in pain.

Every Frame A Painting - Coen Brothers - Shot | Reverse Shot

LiquidDrift says...

I've always wondered the same thing. What if they use a single camera, but both actors still run through the scene even though one of them is off camera? When the camera is over-the-shoulder, either the other actor is sitting there with the camera behind them, or it's a body double. I imagine it would be easier for the actors if they are both doing the whole scene even if the camera is not on them. If that's the case, that would explain the unscripted reactions - it might even make more sense since the offscreen actor might instinctively do things a little differently without the camera on them.

ulysses1904 said:

I was hoping this was going to answer a question I have asked for a long time but still don't have a clear answer. Is it common to have 2 cameras filming actors simultaneously during a shot/counter-shot scene in a standard Hollywood production, so it's recording their interactions in real time?

Or is it more likely done with one camera, with the actors filmed sequentially and responding to off-camera dialog as they speak their lines. And then the shot/counter-shot are strung together in editing.

Seems to me the one camera would be more logical, as otherwise the lighting resources themselves would have to be doubled and kept out of view. Also I don't ever remember seeing any pictures or footage from a movie set where they have 2 cameras and 2 sets of lights, etc.

The reason I keep asking is that on IMDB in the trivia section you always read some nonsense about somebody's onscreen reaction to some unscripted ad-libbed line being genuine.

Well if they aren't both in the same shot how could it be a genuine reaction if the shot/counter-shot are filmed with one camera at different times? And the dialog may be spoken and recorded hours apart?

Like this scene from the "Die Hard" trivia section:
Hart Bochner's line "Hans... Bubby!" was ad-libbed. Alan Rickman's quizzical reaction was genuine.

They weren't in the same shot, so how can his reaction be genuine when the line may have been ad-libbed several hours earlier or later. If it was ad-libbed at all.

It strikes me as stupid made-up shit that passes for trivia and knowledge on the Internet but wanted to get some opinions on this.

Game Of Drones-Drone Fight Club

Hardcore Henry - Official Trailer

Crushed between two Portals experiment

Drifting And Ice Breaking With Russian Truckboattrucks

Playback 30 / MAMBO

LiquidDrift says...

He has amazing control over his face, but the camera work is also really impressive. Moving the phone closer to 'zoom' is ingenious and he kept it perfectly framed while doing that. Nice.

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