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Moxy Früvous "Gulf War Song"

SNL Spoof Of Hillary Clinton 5-10-08

Did You Know America is also Bombing Somalia?

Clinton jeered while slamming Obama

LeadingZero says...

I agree with you wholeheartedly that media often inserts a narrative where there is none. However, I feel that in this case, it's fairly straight forward what occurred; Senator Clinton's remarks were received poorly by some portion of the audience when she attempted to focus on personal politics rather than labor issues, whereas others in the audience cheered her once she completed her statements.

I think that many are simply weary of the internecine bickering, especially at an event where the candidates would have been best advised to remain more neutral and focused on addressing labor concerns.

It's not a huge news story either way.

Clinton jeered while slamming Obama

LeadingZero says...

Media present at the Alliance For American Manufacturing forum have indeed reported that the audience reaction to Senator Clinton's comments was mostly silence with some jeering directed at her.

Of course the audience contained a mix of supporters of both candidates, so cheers and jeers are not unsurprising given the nature of the topic she raised. Nonetheless, I think the title is accurate.

Hillary Clinton's bowling skills on the Ellen Degeneres show

LeadingZero says...

^ For that matter, they appear to have been a bit close to the pins (a regulation lane is 60 feet from the foul line to the headpin) but I wouldn't take any of it too seriously.

Can a Jew Join the KKK?

LeadingZero says...

Aww, he's messing up that bigoted man's nice little club.

For anyone who finds this video especially compelling, they may want to learn about Stetson Kennedy and how he infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940's and managed to seriously undermine their recruiting efforts. It involves the Superman radio program. Really.

Stetson briefly recounts the story in an interview here:

You're Guaranteed to Rewind This

Hillary Clinton tells huge freaking lie about trip to Bosnia

LeadingZero says...

But you do all know that Hillary Clinton was named after Sir Edmund Hillary of Mt Everest Fame, right?

For more than a decade, Sen. Clinton’s informal biography repeated the story, and it was recounted in Bill Clinton’s 2004 autobiography, My Life.

The problem with the story, however, is one of timing. Sir Edmund became known to the world only in 1953, after becoming the first men to reach Everest’s summit. Sen. Clinton was born in 1947. (World Net Daily)

Senator Clinton finally issued a correction on the matter on March 17th.

Hillary Clinton Lies About Her Bosnia Trip

LeadingZero says...

"I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." – Hillary Clinton, speech at George Washington University, March 17, 2008.

No Shit, Sure Lock - Must See!

Oklahoma State Rep. Goes On Anti-Gay Tirade

Hillary Clinton Stokes False Rumors about Obama's Faith

Worst Parents in World Trick Child on Xmas

LeadingZero says...

smibbo: Again, my point was not to diminish the kid's clearly hurt feelings or the family's cruel mocking behavior. I agree absolutely that he was hurt because his family manipulated his expectations and then teased him.

I was reacting to several of the comments that did indeed fixate somewhat on the Xbox. Apparently I should have been more clear about that in my initial post. (If I'd bothered to express an opinion at all.)

I'm willing to concede that I shouldn't have tried to make the point that I did in this thread as it's clearly not been well received. But I must reject the notion that I'm attempting to trivialize anyone's experience or that I'm callous.

Best regards.

Worst Parents in World Trick Child on Xmas

LeadingZero says...

legacy0100: My point wasn't that the kid was behaving inappropriately whatsoever. He behaved like a ten year old would in that situation. As I acknowledged, the parents were very insensitive. Of course, parent's should nurture their children's emotional health. Further, I would not trick any child that way.

But, does it ever cross your mind that there may be some real downsides to having a society that's so emotionally dependent on electronic luxury items while a majority of the world is struggling for basic goods?

I came from a loving family, but we struggled financially. Once I was in my twenties I realized that I'd been incredibly wealthy by global standards right along. Now, in my thirties, I donate a great deal of my income and my time to NGO's that focus on poverty issues. Hell, maybe I'm an ass, and maybe involving myself in such endeavors won't change that. Maybe it's all just an expression of guilt for living in an absurdly wealthy nation. But I still can't help but feel that our priorities are off balance. I'll put my priorities towards food for a hundred rather than an Xbox for one any day.

You can be upset with me if you choose.

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