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Youtube starts banning religiously offensive videos

Kreegath says...

Disregarding that the takedowns of those videos might be an overreaction, the person making this video comes off as almost absurdly overly sensitive about having his stuff taken down.

Guy buys safe on eBay, finds $26,000 inside

Kreegath says...

He sold the safe, it's not his money anymore. If he wanted the contents, he should've let a welder open it himself. Of course he could HOPE for the good graces of the buyer, but it's not for him to expect.

Should We Have A "WIN" Channel? (User Poll by Barseps)

Psychic Sally: epic medium fail

Kreegath says...

No but spirituality and superstitions aren't by themselves religion, or we would all each belong to hundreds of different religions. That someone tries to talk to ghosts or whatever they do doesn't naturally follow that they're religious or they deal in religious matters. The mere idea that our near and dear live on in some other form after they pass on in their current one is something which, I would imagine, predates religion as an institution by several millenia.

The Chaser's War On Everything - The Stocking Experiment

Kreegath says...

Next on The Chaser's War On Everything, the loaded shotgun experiment. Chris Taylor walks into stores with a loaded shotgun in his hands. See what happens...

Psychic Sally: epic medium fail

Bill Moyers: Debates, Fox News and Truth

Kreegath says...

>> ^Yogi:

Whoa lets hold our far as I can see TV hasn't bettered our nation in any way shape or form. Also educating our public doesn't seem to be just seems to be disenfranchising the smart so they don't vote anymore.

How do you reckon it's education which disenfranchises "the smart" so they don't vote? I would think that a corrupt two-party system with equally unattractive alternatives would be a bigger factor, for instance. Also, surely you can see SOME benefits of television compared to the fifties when it first started to become commonplace, if you stop and think about it for a second.

The common thread here is more information, knowledge and context, with perhaps focus being on the information part. If disenfranchisement is the result of getting better informed, then maybe it's time to do something about the object of that information? Perhaps making people part of the process and maybe even feel like their vote matters, as well as having something or someone worth voting on.

Guilty Conscience - Starcraft 2 version

Guilty Conscience - Starcraft 2 version

2600 years of history in one object

The Politichicks Episode 22: Runaway Slave

Kreegath says...

To me it looks like an obvious marketing campaign for the republican party to gain black voters by playing on issues that they perceive as important to that demographic. I'm not talking about the movie, I haven't seen it, but rather the interviews and news segment-like ad in this clip.

TYT: BYU Student Offended By Female's Outfit

Jonathan Meades on France, ep. 1

Troy Library "Adventures In Reverse Psychology"

Jonathan Meades on France, ep. 1

Kreegath says...

The way this video automatically goes on to the subsequent parts of the video makes it kind of unnecessary to vote on parts 2-4, as hardly anyone would start viewing them without first having seen the first.

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