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Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

JustSaying says...

Reperations are nothing but blood money. They may send a message but no life lost can be paid back in dollars.

newtboy said:

I was under the impression that companies like that paid 'reparations' based on their actions under the Nazis. Is that wrong?
What I meant was they weren't allowed to keep the spoils of the war they far as I know....and were forced to paid for their complicity, along with the nation as a whole (right? I just assumed Germany paid reparations, but I admit my post war European history is spoty at best)....that doesn't mean eradication, or even stop further success, but it would mean that later successes cannot be attributed to profiting from war crimes. I hope that's right.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

JustSaying says...

First of all, you realize that you posted nearly the same reply twice in a row? Are you copy&pasting replies now?
Second, sincerely, fuck you Bob. You don't get to put words in my mouth. You're a white american and you have to own your shitty, racist past.
It's not about reperations or blame, it's about your unwillingness to own your countries' racist, slave-owning, segregationist past.
The ancestors of white americans invaded, stole, raped, murdered, kidnapped and enslaved brown people to get where they are today. Your ancestors did.
If you refuse to own this, you make yourself an accomplice. You help the perpetrators to get away with it.
I own my countries past. I'll tell you all I know. It may be too little, it may be not good enough but at least I'll try. Go visit Buchenwald. I did it twice and I must say, the first time I was too stupid to understand what it meant. I'm ashamed of that.
I stood in the doorstep of a tiny little room where people would enter, believing they were there to have their height measured. They didn't know there was tiny opening in the wall where they stood. They didn't know that on the other side of the wall there's a man with a pistol waiting to shoot them in the neck. They burned the bodies in a large oven.
I want you to know this. I want everybody to know this.
I'm not at fault. I wasn't around. I'll be an accomplice if I wouldn't tell you about it. I know about a crime and I will tell you all I know about it. That's why I'm not guilty.

You, on the other hand, stand in a puddle of blood (haha, you're a clown called Puddles) and deny anything's wrong.
Maybe you didn't own slaves. Maybe you never lynched a black man. Maybe you're not a cop who shot a black person for no reason. Maybe it's not your fault.
But you help them to get away with this by telling me there's no crime.

That's the difference between us two, you don't mind the blood on your hands while typing your manifestos on the internet. I do. I'll tell you all about it.

bobknight33 said:

Oh I understood Just wanted to know if YOU did.

Thank you for clearing this up. The sins of our fathers are that of the father and not carried generationally.

With said Today Americans do not owe jack to ancestors of slaves.

American can just get along and move past BLM and all the white privilege bull shit that you and your leftest ilk are promoting.

Thank you very much... Don't for get to inform you leftest friends.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

JustSaying says...

BASF is a huge german corporation that produced Zyklon B, the gas used in Ausschwitz to kill thousands of people. They're still going strong. It is by far not the only german corporation that benefitted greatly from the Holocaust. Take IBM for example, they delivered card-computing systems to manage concentration camp popula... Oh shit! IBM is american, my bad.
The Bundeswehr, the german military, was run by Nazi Generals in its early years. Just this year there were several scandals concerning Neo Nazis among their ranks.
A lot of people benefited from the atrocities of the third Reich. Don't kidd yourself. Remember, Hitler hired Ferdinand Porsche to develop the Volkswagen. The development of the VW Beetle was started by the Fuehrer.

newtboy said:

BTW....because you seem confused, no one ever was forced under penalty of death to keep slaves, and very few Nazi's families benefited after the fact from having been's not the same thing by far.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

JustSaying says...

I don't think you understood what he was trying to say. There's a difference between being a Nazi, being an opportunistic follower or going along with it to avoid trouble. There's a difference between being a zealot, a shitty human being or a coward.
And if somebody gets himself killed for not going along with it, then that person is neither of these things.
'Being a slave-owner was the thing to be' isn't a correct statement either, or is it, Bob?

bobknight33 said:

Being a Nazi was the thing to be.. It was the way of the society.
Thanks for making that point.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

JustSaying says...

Am I my father's keeper?
How the fuck can anyone bear responsibility for anything that happened before their birth? If you're not around to even form an opinion, you can't bear any responsibility.
That said, even if you're around, there's a reason we consider children and adults to be very different when it comes to responsibility.
Therefore it wouldn't matter if Arnold mentions it or not. He spoke his mind and said clearly what he thought. It doesn't matter what his Daddy would've thought or who he was. The Nazis of today are the problem, not the ones who are dead.
And of course, those who are unpatriotic enough to sympathize with Nazis, like your PotUS, Mr. Trump. A proven racist. A traitor to the american people.

bobknight33 said:

Exactly.. But if he did mention it he would add another dimension of condemnation to the Unit the White party.

That being said I am glad you agree the sins of the father stops at the father.. You do agree to that correct? Lord help me if I'm wrong seeing how much of a leftest nut you are. Answer?

would you like a little rage with your coffee?

JustSaying says...

I was waiting for the part where she's getting the sledgehammer but then I realized I got the wrong delusional crazy-nurse.
I can't remember much of what she said but I think she suspects the lizard-people of stealing her sweetroll.
I give it 1 and a half stars out of 5.

PlayhousePals said:

I can't bring myself to watch this ... no joke

la la la, i'm dead inside, dead inside, oh i'm dead inside

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

Arnold Schwarzenegger Has A Blunt Message For Nazis

JustSaying says...

Bob, nobody gives a fuck about his dad.
If my daddy had said 'Children need to be fucked hard!' I still wouldn't be wrong about fucking children being a bad thing.
It amazes me that you're thinking this shit would work here. You truly are a clown.

bobknight33 said:

Trump did condemn, unlike Arnold's dad.

Truth and facts but left out that his dad was a Nazi.

His dad decided not to beat the loud and angry voices of the Nazi with louder more reasonable voices. His dad just joined them.

Military career[edit]
Schwarzenegger had served in the Austrian Army from 1930 to 1937, achieving the rank of section commander and in 1937 he became a police officer. After enlisting in the Wehrmacht in November 1939, he was a Hauptfeldwebel (Master Sergeant) of the Feldgendarmerie, which were military police units. He served in Poland, France, Belgium, Ukraine, Lithuania and Russia. His unit was Feldgendarmerie-Abteilung 521 (mot.), which was part of Panzer Group 4. Wounded in action in Russia on 22 August 1942, he had the Iron Cross First and Second Classes for bravery, the Eastern Front Medal or the Wound Badge. Schwarzenegger appears to have received much medical attention. Initially, he was treated in the military hospital in Łódź, but according to the records he also suffered recurring bouts of malaria, which led to his discharge in February, 1944.

Close call

The 4 most common signs your relationship is failing

JustSaying says...

4 words you need to remember to avoid the failing of your relationship:
You need to communicate

See, it's what the video said, just shorter. I'd write the book about it but who's buying 4 word books?

Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - Media silent

JustSaying jokingly says...

So, there's violence on many sides?

bobknight33 said:

Unlike you I approve of no such behavior.

The Alt Left and Alt Right are way the fuck out of line.

We can thank Obama for the rise of the Alt Left which forces the Alt Right to spring into the spotlight to counter.

This is what a coward looks like

JustSaying says...

This is great!
So, there's this superior snowflake who complains he can't peacefully protest in favour of the Endlösung and ethnic cleansing of the US. He proclaims how law-abiding he is while hiding from the police and trying to negotiate terms of surrender. Then he tells us he's not a violent person but is armed and ready to use his gun before things begin to get out of hand. All this while he is trying to fight back tears (transbullies are really mean, you guys) and making sure his pants match the color of his ideological shirt.
Totally made my day.
I have a final solution for his problems: just tell the cops you're too supreme to be arrested. After watching this video they'll surely agree and refrain from withholding your personal freedom and our unintended internet comedy.
Quick, superior snowflake, fly away before the Jew melts you to drink your tears!

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