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Videosift Sarzy's Top 10 Movies of 2017

Jinx says...

Great year for movies. Loved Dunkirk and Baby Driver. Also loved the new Blade Runner but it doesn't surprise me when it is missing from people's top 10.

Graffiti Grammar Police -- hope this catches on!

Jinx says...

You just know that sign makers offer a grammar/spellcheck as part of their package... and then deliberately ignore errors when people don't pony up.

I wonder if he "corrects" brand names e.g. Starbucks.

Range Rover Evoque Stunt – Speed Bump

French Santa Motorcycle Hero

Mortal Engines - Official Teaser Trailer

Jinx says...

I liked that book when I was a YA!

Trailer didn't look to good tho.

ChaosEngine said:

Is it just me or does the CGI look really bad for 2017?

Also... I'm willing to bet all your houses that this is a YA adaption.



Sprint Customer Service Rep forgets to hang up

Joyner Lucas - I'm Not Racist

Jinx says...

I see a white man miming the n-word. Does that count? Didn't Joyner write and rap the whole thing, and isn't Joyner black? If you wanna disagree with what he is saying, then sure, but like, it's literally a black guy putting words in a white guy's mouth so I think you're overplaying your hand a little there mate.

C-note said:

Bet a friend this would make it to the top 15 due to the fact that every video with a white man using the N-word is like offering breast milk to a baby. As usual it was a good investment.

David Mitchell makes a Feng Shui expert squirm

Jinx says...

To be fair, it wasn't just David. Almost everybody got a shot in and those that didn't looked somewhat bewildered by it all.

Oh well, I've not heard of any feng shui experts claiming that rearranging your living room can cure cancer, so I'm going to put in the "mostly harmless bullshit" column. Also there is something to be said for really good interior design, so maybe that's how he started off before he realised he could charge a different type of client more for the same thing if he said some shit about energy flows.

Cop Who Shot Walter Scott Pleads Guilty, Gets 20 Years

Jinx says...

If it looks like a murder, if its sentenced like a murder...why isn't it murder?

Gotta agree that this stinks of "separate but equal".

Good that the outcome was better than expected, bad that the expectation is so low.

BATMAN NINJA - Japanese Trailer English Subs (12/01 release)

Jinx says...

I'm the world's greatest detective.


As silly as Batman going back in time to feudal Japan is...I don't think its fair to put in the same sentence as Justice League. Let's give it a chance at least.

ChaosEngine said:

Damn... you saw through my cunning ruse

I love my wife, I don't like men...stop touching me

Jinx says...

He loves his wife. Sometimes they touch. on special occasions. Occasionally.

No but seriously the sexuality of either is irrelevant, surely? I'm not wild about people I don't know well touching me either... but come on Daryl. Were you worried that if you didn't put a firm stop to the arm touching it might slide all slippery like down to more.. ha... intimate...p.places....Dear Lord Jesus grant me the strength to resist...

Sorry. Really seriously now though, I don't think is fair to gay peeps to always assume the homophobe is trapped in the closet. It's probably not that fair to make fun of the closet dwelling homophobe either - somebody else taught them to hate themselves...and somebody else is an asshole. I hope you're not an asshole Daryl.

Boomhauer with dang ol' drums

BATMAN NINJA - Japanese Trailer English Subs (12/01 release)

Max Joseph Film about a Film Project - From Dream to Reality

Your Amazing Molecular Machines

Jinx says...

Oh my, suddenly all my biology classes came rushing back all at once.

Most all of Veritasium's videos are good, but this one especially so I think.

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