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10768 (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

I am not interested in their culture nor am I any kind of expert on it, nor do I want to meddle in it or try to change it by words or by action.

I am interested in campaigning against human rights abuses which have been ongoing in that part of the world since before I was born.

Their culture and their religion is not my business, how they govern themselves and choose to live is entirely up to them as a free and sovereign nation.

You appear to be of the opinion that because you do not agree with their scriptures or their culture that they are to blame for their own slaughter. I find that offensive and ignorant.

You are very ill informed of these people, do not take others words for it, go and see for yourself, travel, meet, talk, immerse, discuss. Until then read what you want to read and think whatever you want, but do not for one second think that you can represent a culture which is entirely alien to you and you have not experienced.

Palestinian darlings?
Fellow human beings who are screaming to the world for help.
In reply to this comment by mharvey42:
In reply to this comment by Irishman:
"Hezbollah, Hamas and all the Palestinian people have no interest in attacking Israel, that is complete nonsense...
I can assure you categorically that Ismail Haniyeh's offer of a truce was taken very seriously, it was a huge breakthrough at the time."

Irishman - This illustrates how little you understand about the culture of your Palestinian darlings.

Any offer of peace is Taqiyya (a deception) used to establish a Hudna (temporary truce in order to rebuild armed might). It's in the koran, and is specifically condoned when dealing with non-muslims (Christians and Jews)

Read it sometimes, and realize that it is worshipped by islamists as a literal command and example of how to behave. This differs from Christians and Jews, who regard their holy texts as metaphorical or antiquated as (unprovoked) mass killings are concerned.

Your passion it admirable, but tragically misguided.

The Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden Myth

Hamas using UN ambulances as troop carriers

MINK (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

I'm scared of Americans.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
omg you had faith in the human race? oh shit.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
I have lost all faith in the human race.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
i've had enough. again.

fuck this retarded pile of steaming retarded shit.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Good advice man, good advice.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
dude, you are officially Not Retarded, and you should stop worrying about the fact that everyone else is.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Young kids believe everything that adults tell them.

The more magical you can make your kids' childhoods the better. That means santa, fairies, magic beans, flying cars and whatever else you can dream up.

When they get older and figure it out for themselves, the slight distress that it causes is actually *good* for your child.

Hamas using UN ambulances as troop carriers

Irishman says...

Hezbollah, Hamas and all the Palestinian people have no interest in attacking Israel, that is complete nonsense. The Israeli people know this, so do their press and their newspapers and their journalists and their blogs and websites.

Syria and Iran have watched Israel's serial human rights abuses for decades and are fully aware that Israel is a nuclear power (illegally and in breach of the non-proliferation treaty).

I can assure you categorically that Ismail Haniyeh's offer of a truce was taken very seriously, it was a huge breakthrough at the time.

It's being ignore was interpreted by many at the time (and some still today) that the peace process was not genuine and was in fact only a cover for US and Israel join operations for control of the region.

If you understand how the political process of a truce and a peace settlement works in reality under international law, you will begin to understand that it means the cessation of violence and the beginning of sorting out opposing political aspirations on both sides.

It was a bigger leap of faith (by a factor of hundreds) for Hamas to offer this truce to Israel than it would have been for Israel to honour it under international law.

It is not our business as westerners to judge the political aspirations of another country, but it IS our business and our duty to step in when human rights abuses are being committed, and this is what is not happening.

MINK (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

I have lost all faith in the human race.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
i've had enough. again.

fuck this retarded pile of steaming retarded shit.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Good advice man, good advice.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
dude, you are officially Not Retarded, and you should stop worrying about the fact that everyone else is.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Young kids believe everything that adults tell them.

The more magical you can make your kids' childhoods the better. That means santa, fairies, magic beans, flying cars and whatever else you can dream up.

When they get older and figure it out for themselves, the slight distress that it causes is actually *good* for your child.

Hamas using UN ambulances as troop carriers

Irishman says...

Yes, it is a spectacularly inefficient genocide, it is known as "slow motion genocide" and it is the same thing that happened in Darfur. It has been going on for decades. I first heard it described as this 8 or 9 years ago.

In 1998 an expert in international law called Francis Boyle told the Palestinian president to start legal proceedings against Israel in the international courts and in the Hague for breaching the Genocide Convention.

Israel has breached almost all of the 150 odd articles of the Geneva Rights Convention and committed crimes against humanity under the Nuremberg Charter - all confirmed and on record at the UN.

So if we're going to take Hamas to task on their ambulances then let's go, and unless we want to be branded as hypocrites then we'll want the Israeli government in the Hague and behind bars for their decades of war crimes against the Palestinian people as well.

And if we want to talk about Hamas' charter which calls for the destruction of Israel, then let's talk about it:

In 2006 Ismail Haniyeh became Hamas prime minister. He offered the Bush administration a truce in return for an end to the illegal Israeli occupation. He was completely ignored.

The last truce that was brokered by Egypt was broken by Israel - they sent in the IDF and wiped out 6 Hamas members. Both sides called for peace even after this, but the IDF continued hostilities.

I cannot in good conscience condemn Hamas for using medical vehicles for troops because I know too much about the sickening war crimes that have been committed by Israel against them for decades.

MINK (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

Good advice man, good advice.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
dude, you are officially Not Retarded, and you should stop worrying about the fact that everyone else is.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Young kids believe everything that adults tell them.

The more magical you can make your kids' childhoods the better. That means santa, fairies, magic beans, flying cars and whatever else you can dream up.

When they get older and figure it out for themselves, the slight distress that it causes is actually *good* for your child.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

Fair enough

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
Flat earth didn't have a global empire to protect from the idea of a spherical earth, though.

All we really want from people is efficiency, conservation, and a move away from fossil fuels. Global warming is our motivation, but it's a good idea for everyone, regardless.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Flat Earth WAS mainstream scientific belief for hundreds of years.

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
>> ^blankfist:
Warmist sounds a lot like alarmist, doesn't it? We'll most likely see more of those for the next four years. Quality find, Irishman. We need more opposing viewpoints on this issue, because the Gore-following Warmist Automatons think the debate is over about Global Warming, science be damned.

Yes, all people who follow mainstream scientific belief are automatons.

That's what they tell me in my weekly Flat Earth Society meetings. We've got to stop those deadly Sphere-ists from throwing away billions on "satellites" that just sail over the edge of the earth, never to be seen again!

I mean, they're obviously trying to cow people into giving up good money with fear, the word Sphere-ists has phere fear built right into it!


Call for a ban (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

10768 (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

Would you like me to google it for you?

In reply to this comment by mharvey42:
In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Was this busy market collateral damage?

What about civilians executed on the street during the last 18 months by Israeli police enforcing illegal blockades?

What about the civilans being given 7 minutes to abandon their homes before blowing them up?

What about the Depleted Uranium being used in Gaza right now?

After another few days of this you will see how very wrong you are.

Yes, the market shelling is collateral damage: a sad but predictable result of Hamas' aggression. The blood is on their heads.

"Illegal Blockades" you give no example.

"Civilians given 7 minutes to leave their homes" Extraordinary efforts by the IDF ti avoid civilan casualties. If Hamas were half so humane, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

"Depleted Uranium" You make me laugh!

"Another few days" We'll see. It's going swimingly so far. Hamas will never be an honorable foe, but the more sent to allah, the better.

Call for a ban (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

Irishman says...

I've spent an entire day with people protesting this insane slaughter and to come onto an internet community that I've come to respect and see people trying to justify it makes me seriously angry.

Then again I shouldn't be surprised, nobody believed in the holocaust until after the war ended and they had to wheel all the military commanders out to tell people "yes, yes all that stuff you heard was true"

Hamas using UN ambulances as troop carriers

Obama keeps silent on explosive Gaza conflict (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

Obama keeps silent on explosive Gaza conflict (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

Irishman says...

Yes, alarmist. Very much so. Are the millions of people taking to the streets also being alarmist? I think they are, and I also think there's good reason.

I don't think I'm wrong on Obama but I hope I am.

Obama's speech last June in AIPAC has a scary relevance right now doesn't it? Remember, it was the one were he gave his unequivocal support for Israel's right to defend itself. Now we know how Israel likes to defend itself.

That's why I think he was the wrong president and Ron Paul was the right one.

I didn't think I was speaking *for* the WHOLE WORLD, I think it's pretty clear what the WHOLE WORLD thinks of Bush, and in time it'll be pretty clear what the WHOLE WORLD thinks of Obama.

So check back with me in a few years and we'll see if I was right or wrong.

I'll be very satisfied to be wrong about Obama on Israel.

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