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Ron Paul Talks About the Economy on Morning Joe 1-27-09

Irishman says...

Ron Paul was the republican front runner for a very long time, he and Mike Gravel for the Dems were the only people telling the truth and willing to change America's foreign policy.

Now Brzezinski, 'Obama's brain' is running the show, which means they will move into Pakistan and Darfur to control the oil and gas going to Russia and China. These will be new wars fought under a banner of 'humanitarianism' instead of 'terrorism'. That's the Real Change you got America, well done.

Ron Paul: "We are doing what Osama Bin Laden wanted"

Obama on his Environmental Agenda

Tony Benn: If you wont broadcast the Gaza appeal then I will

Irishman says...

The BBC, prior to the Hutton enquiry, would have aired this appeal. Bravery not only to the brilliant Tony Benn, but to the news editors that got him on there knowing full well what he was going to do.

The BBC coverage of this conflict all but stopped after the initial 3 days.

Who Runs the U.S.A. Media: US gov? Corporations? Israel?

Marine explains how it is (NSFW for some language)

Irishman says...

This is why I would tie my kids arms and legs together to stop them joining the army. America does a great job of fighting imperial wars whilst making them look 'humanitarian' or 'necessary'.

Mother of soldier accuses Gaza doctor of hiding weapons

Irishman says...

The man in this clip is Doctor Ezeldeen Abu Al-aish who trained in an Israeli hospital and believes in Arab-Israeli co-existence. He is actually an outspoken critic of Hamas.

He was calling into News Channel 10 and reporting on daily events on the ground live on the air.

He was a Palestinian who chose to work for Israel, and the IDF killed his daughters. The IDF claimed there was sniper fire coming from his house, later they claimed it was coming "from the area", later again they said the matter was "under investigation".

Pope reinstates Holocaust-denying bishop

60 Minutes : Is Peace Out Of Reach?

Pure Sift Gold

Israel's apartheid wall in the West Bank

Irishman says...

Who's more retarded? The retarded people in the middle east squabbling and fighting for 100 years, or the retarded government in the US who picks a side, sells them F16s, tanks and depleted uranium shells, and hopes for the best?

BBC - UN school bombing: You knew what you were doing

MINK (Member Profile)

Irishman says...

I'm done with it man, I'm outta here, fuck it, fuck it again, and fuck it twice in the morning.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
i've had enough. again.

fuck this retarded pile of steaming retarded shit.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Good advice man, good advice.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
dude, you are officially Not Retarded, and you should stop worrying about the fact that everyone else is.

In reply to this comment by Irishman:
Young kids believe everything that adults tell them.

The more magical you can make your kids' childhoods the better. That means santa, fairies, magic beans, flying cars and whatever else you can dream up.

When they get older and figure it out for themselves, the slight distress that it causes is actually *good* for your child.

Hamas using UN ambulances as troop carriers

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