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Tales of the New Republic - Trailer

Full Metal Alchemist Opening Collection

How to Double Your Gas Mileage

Star Wars Mahna Mahna

Chronicles of Narnia Rap

Chronicles of Narnia Rap

L'Arc~en~ciel - Ready,Steady, Go

InvaderSil says...

I associate this song to Fullmetal Alchemist. Period. Every time I hear it, I see the beginning sequence of FMA scroll through my head. *sigh* I really didn't like this video, but the song forces me to upvote.

World of Warcraft Dances with Source Dances

InvaderSil says...

Naaa...WOW isn't a video game. It's a drug. As for the dancing styles, I don't understand why the designers thought it was good idea to put in modern dance moves into a realm where the world of JRR Tolkien seems to be the style.

Japanese talk show

Enya - May It Be

Transformers, more than meets the eye

InvaderSil says...

You must have missed the transforming sound during the scene when Optimus Prime transforms. teehee

Anyway, Farhad, there is some relation. The original voice of the first season Optimus Prime is doing Prime's voice again. Spike and Sparkplug are character names.

I'm pretty sure this will be a good summer popcorn movie. If I really want good sci-fi I'll watch Children of Men again.

Ruby on Rails vs Java

InvaderSil says...

I dunno...I don't know much about Ruby on Rails but it wouldn't be my first choice for desktop development. Then again, Java wouldn't be there either. Yes, I long for desktop development....*sniff*

Say No To Crack....and glory holes.....

idiot kid dives off of van

eric3579 (Member Profile)

InvaderSil says...

Gee..thanks...I guess.

In reply to your comment:
As you may know Ive created a playlist of many of the dead videos on the sift. As its been there for awhile, and there have been quite a few views of it, very few vids have been fixed or discarded. I thought a list just of yours might be of some help. The list below are all your videos on my playlist. There may be a few errors, but I gave it my best shot.

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