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EASTER SCANDAL!! Cadbury Eggs are Shrinking!

Feedback on Religious Dialogue in Comments (Sift Talk Post)

InvaderSil says...

Yes, I call boo on the censoring of comments. This is really the only online community that I interact with on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. I love this place..cept for those damn Family Guy vids

Anyway, I'm an atheist. I like to think that I'm tolerant to religious beliefs. Though I have singled out certain people in the Christian fundamental community as bad for humanity (and I believe that Christians will agree with me) because of personal experience with fundamentals. When fundamentals come a witnessing to my son who's not old enough to decide for himself, that doesn't sit well with me.

Religion isn't bad. If it was, I would think the world would be in a bigger hurt than it is now. It's just a misguided few who interprets their religion in an extreme fashion that are bad. I can see a "Jedi" follower getting all Death Star on a city or even a crazy atheist doing the same. No belief system is safe as long as there is an extreme view of it.

A Night at the Roxbury with #1, Captain Picard, and Data

Fullmetal Alchemist - Flame vs. Fullmetal

Wii: Creative way to use the picture viewer

A camera travels around a sushi bar conveyor belt

One of YouTube's most popular videos right now

InvaderSil says...

how do you define popular? This particular vid was submitted more than a year ago and so far has gotten ~25k views. I want to say that I've seen this vid here at the sift and it died.

Enya - Orinoco Flow

The Evangelical War On Science

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Neon Genesis Evangelion - Opening

InvaderSil says...

I like the series..up until the last several episodes where it all just fell apart for me. Just like Vision of Escaflowne, liked it up until the end. I do like this song though.

Trent Green of the Chiefs gets a cheap shot, knocked out

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C.I.L.F. (Cartoons I'd Like to F***)

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