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Progressive Pastor Talks About Masturbation

Hyperdrive says...

I quite fancy dipping my toes into religion.

It must be so much simpler, to live life according to the fables of an old book, interpreted through the eyes of another man. What a relief to offload all the hassle of making a judgement on issues such as morality. I guess it's a bit like letting your partner pick out your clothes for the morning, as long as they don't end up sending you off to work in neon cycling shorts and a tutu you can just be happy to have one less thing to think about.

So until a god finally decides to reveal themselves to me, a religion which is cool with masturbation is a real winner. I hope in the charasmatic pastors next clip he can share his views on the bibles scriptures concerning the treatment of slaves. I never know what to do when they become uppity.

Beastie Boys Live On The Streets Of NYC

Ann Coulter is a Miserable Harpie

Hyperdrive says...

I always enjoy clips of Ann Coulter simply for the contemptuous comments that follow. That most people can see through her bullshit restores a little of my faith in humanity.

Could only manage one minute into this one. Sitting through the whole thing would have been too much to stomach.

Instruction Manual For Life

Police shoot unarmed man, laying face down, in the back

Hyperdrive says...

Surely it's only justifiable for a cop to pull a gun when their safety, or that of others, may be in question. Certainly never as an act to make someone more compliant to demands. This situation looked to be contained and I can't possibly see any wiggle room that can attempt to rationalize the officers actions. For the sake of the family of Oscar Grant, and the good cops on BART's force who's jobs just became a little harder, I hope they don't try to find any.

A Slip-n-Slide made out of Asians

Instruction Manual For Life

Fox News allows "magic negro" on New Years broadcast

Hyperdrive says...

I love the way VP of programming for FOX, Suzanne Scott, has tried to deflect attention over to CNN.

"We received tens of thousands of text message submissions during our New Years Eve special, and this particular viewer submission was inadvertently cleared for air. At FOX we recognize our error as opposed to networks who allow their hosts to utter crude vulgarities to the public."

Obviously subscribing to the 'best form of defense is attack' school of thought.

Anyway, this has all given me a good chuckle.

Under Our Skin - Lyme Disease Documentary Trailer

Hyperdrive says...

A devastating illness that destroys lives and rips families apart. My heart goes out to anyone suffering from this awful disease. Not only do they have to contend with the many and varied symptoms that impact upon their daily life, but also a generally ignorant medical community that's unable to efficiently diagnose and treat it. Add to this a lack of funds being directed at research and the situation is quite tragic.

Increasing attention is being aimed at the issue though. Let's hope the powers that be see some sense and start to treat Lyme disease with a more appropriate level of concern.

The Bush Years: The Iraq War

Hyperdrive says...

It's surprising to think back at how America was perceived, throughout the civilized world, just a few short years ago. For all its faults it was one of the good guys, a safe pair of hands that could help maintain world order. The period following the 9/11 attacks has completely squandered this long standing viewpoint, and with it exposed something quite unsettling. Under the spotlight we've watched the Bush administration stumble from one blunder to the next, demonstrating an almost unbelievable level of ineptitude. How the "weapons of mass destruction" debacle didn't bring down governments, and quickly became yesterdays news, I'll never understand. History surely won't be kind to these clowns.

Quite the challenge ahead for Obama, but right now I'm just thankful we're going to see a new captain at the helm.

Cheetah and a Puppy Wrastle

Hyperdrive says...

I'm truly sickened to witness such a disgraceful display of beast matched against beast. When will society advance to the stage that man ceases to derive pleasure from the barbaric cruelty of watching small animals fall over each other until they feel a little bit sleepy.

Ann Coulter - Obama Wants To Be Known As Hussein

Michael Jackson confronted about his cosmetic surgery

Sarah Palin on Russia

Christianity In A Nutshell

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