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Kid handling a female heteropteryx (a damn big bug)

New technique to make shaky cam videos stable

Oh my God, what if you atheists are wrong!?!?!

Man who was sexually abused by catholic priests speaks out

Patriot Act Being Used Against a 16-Year-Old Boy

from molecule to medicine

Hyperdrive says...

Interesting sift, however, I'd challenge the closing comment that 'a major part of the profit is reinvested in new research'.

Marc-Andre Gagnon and Joel Lexicon produced a revealing peer-reviewed paper in December 2007, titled 'The Cost of Pushing Pills: A New Estimate of Pharmaceutical Promotion Expenditures in the U.S.' They concluded that drug companies are spending nearly twice as much on promotion as research and development.

"As a percent of U.S. domestic sales of $235.4 billion, promotion consumes 24.4% of the sales dollar versus 13.4% for on R&D. In light of these numbers one can safely argue that marketing is predominant over R&D in the pharmaceutical industry, contrary to industry's claim."

Now that really is sickening.

"You be da Man": Bachmann to GOP Chairman Michael Steele

Cop arrests journalist and cameraman

John Ziegler Arrested at Katie Couric Journalism Event

Hyperdrive says...

John Ziegler's on private property and the police act on a request to remove him. An officer spends time calmly explaining that he must leave, however, he refuses. They revert to using what appeared to be a moderate amount of force. I know it's often popular to dislike the police, but from this clip they acted reasonably.

Not such a clever move by the event organisers though. At least Ziegler looked to be enjoying himself.

Most entertaining high-speed chase EVER!

Detaianed For Being a Ron Paul Terrorist

Hyperdrive says...

>> ^gwiz665:
Sue them?

I'd hope not if he wants to retain the moral high ground.

It's hard to buy into a conspiracy against Ron Paul supporters on the basis of this clip. What Steve Bierfeldt has certainly exposed though, is a startling lack of professionalism within Missouri's TSA staff. A guy courteously and reasonably asking what his legal rights are, whilst under detainment, should not be responded to with evasive, rude and intimdatory behaviour in return. With a bit of luck someone higher up in the TSA will have enough sense to apologies for this incident.

Fox News Declares War on Canada

Tony Benn: If you wont broadcast the Gaza appeal then I will

Hyperdrive says...

I disagree with Tony Benn on many issues, but I can't help but admire the guy. One of the few politicians who always told it as he saw it. Quite a change from the spin and lies we've become accustomed to.

An Overview Of Migraines

Hyperdrive says...

I get the classical migraine. Flashing lights slowly appearing from the periphery of my vision, and spreading until I lose about 60% of my eyesight. After about thirty minutes of this the headache kicks in, which will last for up to a couple of days. I usually feel a bit distant over this period and my speech gets a little slurred on occasion.

After identifying my triggers, the main one being caffeine, I've pretty much got things under control. Probably only a couple of attacks over the whole of last year. I do miss my coffee though, and unfortunately decaffeinated still has more than enough caffeine left over to set me off.

The wonderful aroma when I pass a coffee shop is as near as I get to a caramel frappuchino these days.

Joe the Plumber Trolls Gaza Reporters

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