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Shortest player in the NBA: Earl Boykins (5'5"!)

Gunter says...

His height probally plays to his advantage with court awareness and sneakiness I know at my height of 6'4 i would probaly not even notice him on the court till he steals the ball from me.

Soliders blow up some random guy's sheep

Gunter says...

>> ^Bidouleroux:
>> ^MarineGunrock:
>> ^NordlichReiter:
The majority of your enlisted occupation troops are lowlife scum


Why would they not be lowlifes when they represent the 18-35 American demographic, minus all the ones that actually have respectful or high paying jobs? Not to say there aren't lowlifes in corporate America, but the lowlife scum tend to stay "unemployed". Anyway, a majority is fifty percent plus one, not ninety-nine percent. And these are enlisted troops, not conscripts, so you're gonna get only people who want to shoot muslims or people who want to serve their country so much that they want to put themselves in arms way, but not shoot muslims (these latter would go in the first category). And I reckon anyone that WANT to shoot someone else, for whatever reason, is by definition a lowlife scum. Everyone that is so blind to politics, backroom machinations and human rights abuse that he still wants to enlist in a military without wanting to actually shoot anyone, is also a lowlife or at the very least stupid. Put these two kinds of people together and you get shitty operations like Afghanistan and Iraq. As we've seen over the past 7 years, the problems only start when you tell your enlisted troops NOT to shoot anyone anymore. They tend to get frustrated and remake the Dumb and Dumber movies. As for those that start out "normal", please refer to the Stanford prison experiment.
Also, you're not countering his point with your question, except by implicitly generalizing your own experience in your own squad in the marines (as I gather from your previous posts here on the sift). Yes, you may have "heard things", but there's a reason hearsay is not allowed as evidence in a trial: it's actually pretty unreliable. Also, keep and bear in mind that no one likes to think that he himself did "bad things" in a conflict. They always blame the other or perversely blame only themselves. And like your precious Jesus said: “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.” I'm sure nowadays plenty of bible-churning rednecks would gladly obey and start throwing stones, but then again I'm sure that for all your other faults at least you're not that kind of person.

I'll let someone else tear you a new one. This makes me wish we had a mandatory military like germany. It would really open your eyes to the respect your taught to give everyone even your enemies. Go to a recruiting station for any branch and tell them you want to shoot people and that's the reason you want to join. Please do so and tell me what they say. I think you'll be surprised.

Soliders blow up some random guy's sheep

Gunter says...

I believe you sir are misinformed. The majority of troops in our armed forces are very decent and upstanding individuals. I know quite a few Grunts in the marines and they are all very good people, some of the best in fact. You take your average person here in America, they are the lowlife scum compared to these guys. I guess you just don't want to believe that shit 10x worse than this goes on right here in our own country to animals like that. Just because it's military you go making a generalization about our troops being shitbags.

The best video of Korean HS boys and a horse dancing, ever

US Navy shoots down Iranian passenger jet

Gunter says...

Even if we didn't have a Military, I don't think people would realize how many citizens would take up arms if America was invaded. Even immigrants in my opinion the illegal and legal ones would take up arms if their lively hood was threatened by an invasionary force. we would be fighting just like the people who fight in iraq are fighting. Don't underestimate the general population. We won the civil war by guerilla tactics. That is why i can't understand why our military is so unused to fighting that style of war. Our Country was founded on those tactics.

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Tyra Banks - Vaseline

A Discussion with MrFisk (Sift Talk Post)

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