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Massa: Cheney Has "Political Tourettes"

Golgi says...

it doesn't have anything to do with the "democrats" not calling out the "republicans" or vice versa. it is that they all just lie and don't call others out because they don't want their own lies uncovered.

i don't know how Al Franken does compared to other senators on a day to day basis, but we need more people to act like him in his uncovering of lies.

FOX Blasts Vatican Newspaper for Endorsing 'The Simpsons'

Golgi says...

beyond the usual shortsightedness and bias of this ridiculous infotainment channel, and a plethora of other facts that were ignored by this panel and priest, who apparently has watched 1 episode of the simpsons in his lifetime, there are some specific things that bug me about this.

first of all, classic simpsons episodes (commonly believed to start with season 2 or 3, and end at season 8 or 9), often had clear themes and real lessons behind the satire.

second, there are several non-English versions of the simpsons, with their own writers and slightly to heavily modified characters (mostly skin tone and name changes, but also personality). . . INCLUDING AN ITALIAN VERSION OF THE SHOW.

the final point that really grinds my gears is that the congratulations being awarded to the simpsons here is for being a good and successful SATIRE. nor did the vatican tell people to force their children to watch, or that the show is an example of good catholic beliefs. it's not even any kind of endorsement, it's a thank you note.

Tape Measure Master

Laura Ingraham vs. Devout Atheist

Golgi says...

wtf, she only made it 1/3 of the way through the FoxNews S.O.P.

Step 1: make up facts and distort statistics (ignoring simple math when you feel it's appropriate)
Step 2: build yourself into a blind rage so that you can . . .
Step 3: scream at and interrupt your guest of opposing beliefs

BillO can cruise through the 3 steps in a 90 second interview where Laura Ingram failed to do it in 7 minutes. for shame.

Japan's strangest man

Golgi says...

strange? this is exactly what i expect all japanese men do when they are home alone.

like a cross between Tom Cruise in Risky Business and Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs.

Tape Measure Ninjas

Four Year Old Gets Drunk and Steals Neighbors Presents

The Daily Show: Gretchen Carlson Dumbs Down

Its Snowing in Houston!!

Congressman Weiner: "You Don't Know What Socialism Means!"

Young girl sneezes 117 times per minute

Truther Proves 9/11 was an inside job with a $20 bill

Truther Proves 9/11 was an inside job with a $20 bill

6 Types of Youtube Vids there are Way Too Many Of

MSNBC Airs Uncensored Breast Self-Exam - Ratings or Service?

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