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"Kara" - Quantic Dream's real-time tech demo

Fausticle says...

I'm sure his kindness had nothing to do with her visual beauty.

"Your name is Guss and you will function as an overweight gas station attendant with an addiction to Coca-cola."

"But I like Pepsi."

"Wait. What!? That's not proper protocol, disintegrate his ass."

"But I want to live!!! I want to taste every flavor of Doritos! Please don't..."

"Shut it fatty! *BRAAAAP!"

Gingrich Caught Nodding Off Before Speaking To AIPAC

Christopher Plummer Won't work with Terrence Malick Again

Harp Cover Of "Zombie" By The Cranberries

Exploding iceberg in Antarctica!

Overpopulation is a myth: Food, there's lots of it

The Most Astounding Fact (Neil DeGrasse Tyson)

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