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How Dark Patterns Trick You Online

Fairbs says...

I got a linked in request from my Dad

after he had died

I was pissed

they apologized profusely which helped, but the reality is they don't actually give a crap

The trump tax cut. It was a disaster when Kansas this.

Fairbs says...

it is just like any other Republican tax scam; they always sound good on paper, but they only really benefit the rich; they're easy to get support for because who wouldn't want less taxes; rah, rah, rah, all the way to the bank for the richers, but you get 50$; yeaaaaa (I guess)

bobknight33 said:

Trump tax cuts not the same as Kansas tax cuts.. It cut out some of the loop holes that Kansas had... Kansas was a example and lessons learned.

BS news network

What if Texas Was an Independent Country?

Fairbs says...

why wouldn't they split into more states? They would have more senators, but their reps would stay the same and be split up across the new states; would they lose economies of scale?

Russian Avalanche Destroys Carpark

NVidia Real-time Ray Tracing Demonstration (GTC 2018)

Container Ship Collision In Pakistan

Fairbs says...

are they like those logs that float vertically in lakes?

fuzzyundies said:

As a tall ship sailor, I'm horrified by events like this. I personally know a sailor whose ship sank at 2am in the Bay of Biscay, apparently holed by a partially submerged container. They're the modern-day version of icebergs except much harder to spot and they can occur ANYWHERE.

Container Ship Collision In Pakistan

Best fake soccer dive (fall) to draw a winning penalty shot

Fairbs says...

in hockey, you get a talking to by your own players and they also have supplementary punishments after the fact, but they are pretty light and not likely very helpful in deterring the behavior

Sagemind said:

I can't even say how disgusted I am at the sportsmanship of players like this. Any league that allows this isn't worth my time. Players should suspended when footage like this comes to light.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Proves the Earth is Round

Key & Peele - Magical Negro Fight

Travel Oregon: The Anime

LeBron James's Incredible No-Look Pass!

Fairbs says...

if he works really hard, maybe someday he could be a Harlem Globetrotter; I think he might just have some of the moves

Canada Taking it's money Seriously

Fairbs says...

I like that they've changed the standard orientation of the bill

I carry a 5$ Canadian bill that depicts kids playing hockey on a frozen pond and also has a poem on it

I wish the US could be more like CA

John Oliver on Working at a Place that Sold Stolen Goods

Fairbs says...

so is he Johnny Carson with a built in McMahon?

notarobot said:

I get why Jimmy comes across... odd to some people. When he laughs, I think he genuinely thinks something is funny, but he laughs so hard at the smallest things.

I don't think he's being fake, but I can see how some people might think so.

Name Striped off of trump Hotel In Panama..

Fairbs says...

I also heard trumps attacks on Mexicans / Latinos was making the occupancy rate really low

newtboy said:

What I've heard on tv is the building's majority owner wanted the Trump group out of the building manager position, claiming they failed miserably at every task they had, and they refused to leave, culminating in multiple instances of the Trump team hiding in locked offices and attempting to have the owner thrown out for trespassing while frantically shredding documents before he finally managed to have the Trump team removed by force by the police.
This probably happened within an hour of their expulsion.

The Trump team claims to have some secret deal with him they claim guaranteed them that managerial position forever no matter how poorly they preform, but haven't produced any signed contracts to that effect.

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