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Borderlands 3 Official Reveal Trailer

Engels says...

Honestly, the first one turned me off over how many guns it had. 99% of them were total filler. Also, this trailer was so 'fellow kids' it made me cringe.

Speech Pathologist in Texas Fired for Refusing Israel Oath

Engels says...

The difference is whether they are punching up or down, or at least should be, even if local laws don't reflect it.

Does Israel need defending? Are trans people, gay people, etc, discriminated against routinely? Then it is arguable that it is the employer's duty to his workplace environment to rid themselves of forces hostile to gender and racial diversity.

So if the person above had been actively maligning Jews, for example, it would of course be a fireable offence, but requiring them to sign some sort of pro-Israeli document is demeaning, even if you are not particularly anti-Israel or anti-Judaism.

Who Is America? (2018) | First Look | Sacha Baron Cohen SHOW

Engels says...

Dude, Cohen can be funny, but the motivation is to reveal the stalking horror amongst us. The darker the horror, the harder to do actual comedy, because, let's face it, knowing we have legislators that think that arming toddlers is a good idea is seriously unfunny stuff.

Ask Your Doctor About Ambien

Engels says...

Its nearly as if racist people need ambien to quiet their conscience screaming at them at night and then it all leaks out at 3 am during a tweet seizure.

Genifer the sweet spider

Engels says...

People with arachnophobia are funny to me, because guys, that spider was objectively cute af, but nooo, you guys see 8 eyes and you lose your minds! Imagine if you will that someone walking down the street freaked the fuck out because of a puppy on a leash, like, climbing the walls and shouting to kill it with fire. That's what it looks like from an arachnophile's perspective.

How Not to Do Brownies

Engels says...

Newtboy, are you telling me you've never met anyone first hand that has had a psychedelic-type experience on edibles or just plain smoking flowers? Because although rare, it's still a thing. I've had some, very close to what this guy describes, and a friend of mine has them routinely. Are they strictly speaking hallucinations like under a psychotic episode? Not in my case, since the 'visualization' was in my mind's eye, and I wasn't literally seeing something appear in front of me, but it was psychedelic nonetheless.

Andy Borowitz: The End of Trump

Engels says...

Listen, I'm as anti-Trump as the next guy, but this just seems like feelgood fantasizing. We aren't talking about rational things anymore. Nationalism doesn't work on that level.

CNN: Guns In Japan

Engels says...

I think we could draw from this. How about all US citizens that want to purchase a gun have to take a comprehensive exam that test knowledge not just of the 2nd amendment, but also the entire constitution, branches of government, federalist vs anti-federalist arguments, all supreme court cases directly involving challenges to the 2nd amendment, etc. Throw in a federally mandated mental health check from an accredited shrink and voila, guns are taken from the hands of those fighting erectile disfunction and put in the hands of those that actually care about the nation.

PS: don't go off on a tangent about how then only the bad guys will have guns and then we'll all get murdered like, all the time. That's a bs argument and you know it.

What are Cassette Tapes?

When you potentially get to sue Coca-Cola for infringement

2CELLOS - The Show Must Go On

Japan Does Computer Commercials Better

Engels says...

In what way is this 'better'. I know zero about the product other than their reliance on pseudo creepy use of young women being flirty in order to draw eyeballs. Not that we're above that mind you, but this is still a shitty add.

Jim Jefferies tells Piers Morgan to Fuck Off

Engels says...

Oh, it's a muslim ban alright. It just doesn't target muslims who have enough power to hurt us, only those powerless to hurt us. It's a coward's play to his base.

Freediving With Giant Manta Rays

keith olbermann-bespoke prophecy 7 years ago-special comment

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