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Fox News Declares War on Canada

Desviada says...

As an American, I would just like to take this moment to say I'm ashamed of my country, and not just because of the never-ending spew of offensiveness from the Fox news channel.

Also, just because something is supposed to be funny doesn't make it any less offensive. Oh, and I never voted for Bush, but to the global videosift community, I would just like to extend my apologies for those that did.

I think it's idiotic that so many Americans mistake blind feverish nationalism for patriotism. And I mention this because it is this sort of misplaced uber nationalism that leads morons to belittle other countries and peoples. If more Americans would stop believing that our country is above all others, we might be able to take an honest look at our flaws and actually make some progress.

But I'm not exactly holding my breath.

Delirium -- Silence w/ Final Fantasy animation

Britney: "My [Lady Part] Is Hanging Out"

Desviada says...

she should really consider wearing underwear. and yeah, it was weird for her to say "hanging out" rather than "showing", maybe her labia is trying to run away from her. or maybe she wears really heavy cunt jewelry. and that is way more than I ever intended to ponder over britney's lady parts. what's really mind-blowing is that fact that she's a zillionaire and a parent. yikes. normally the above comments would be a little offensive, but no one invites cheap shots like britney (except maybe for paris).

My Girlfriend made some other guy pay for the Abortion

Desviada says...

geezus. I can't believe the guy who was willing to hold a gun to his girlfriend's head is lauded enough by these folks to be a contributing member of their crazy panel (or maybe I can). apparently, being "pro-life" and threatening the life another human being are not mutually exclusive. "heathen atheist" is both redundant and insulting. so much for being christ-like. unless of course christ was really an asshole.

shouldn't this also be under *femme and *sexuality ??

Moby -- Everloving -- Live

Hitler's Revenge (NES)

Desviada says...

"Winners don't use drugs"
I love that he gets busted by the Justice Department.

Dying from embarrassment was pretty good too.

As someone who royally sucks at all video games, I really appreciated watching the constant failure (and for once not being responsible for it).

Great find.

Be Afraid [Fox News: 14 Year Old Child Political "Prodigy"]

Desviada says...

I wouldn't be too hard on the kid. Gifted or not, the ability to engage in abstract thinking is still a relatively new phase in his cognitive development. Plus, he's probably surrounded by conservatives and has most likely been fed conservative thought and literature his whole life.

I would bet good money that by the time he's thirty he changes his mind about conservatives. No matter how intelligent he is, it would be difficult to dissent from the culture he was raised in at his age.

What really scares me is that he is the new conservative darling. But considering the likes of Limbaugh and Coulter, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I bet this kid at least knows how a pdf file works.

Yoga for Sarah Palin!

Japanese kids defeat ZOMBIE ATTACK!

Female Circumcision from the POV of women...

Desviada says...

Female genital mutilation is practiced by Muslims, Christians, Jews, and various tribal religions. Some religious leaders endorse it, some condone it, so although religion may play a role, it's really not the main issue. The truth is that it's more of a cultural problem. In the regional areas in which it is commonly practiced it is often considered a prerequisite for marriage. And many of these girls do not have economic alternatives to marriage (such as the ability to provide a living for themselves as adults). Thus, many parents opt for FGM for their girls thinking they are doing the right thing.

Understanding the cultural context is the best way to help prevent this practice. Which is why blaming it on the Muslim faith is counterproductive and oversimplified. Organizations trying to end FGM try to convince both parents to refuse FGM and to convince bachelors to marry uncut women. Also, they have created new coming of age rituals for girls in order to start a new tradition.

I think it's interesting the reporter doesn't ask similar questions about the boys being circumcised. Also, even tho these women seem to think that their faith is in agreement with the practice they also say that the practice makes girls "calm" and one says it makes them "grow tall and beautiful". So, I would say that these ideas along with the insistence that it's a religious practice are all just part of the rationalization and justification of the act.

At Last! Bush is Gone! -- Montage of W's Gaffes

'Dietgirl' Loses The Weight

Limbaugh Worried That FOIA Will Expose Bush Crimes

Desviada says...

I had to upvote this just because Rush's monologue is so incongruent. He manages to discredit himself.

Also, no amount of car accident related deaths makes lives lost in Iraq okay, I get that it's "just" a comparison, but it sounds like a rationalization to use it as a comparison. Secondly, I actually think we should do something about the amount of lives lost each year in car accidents. I think car accidents went down when gas was at it's highest priced, because people were driving more carefully and less often to save gas. Isn't that sad? More mass transportation sound good to anyone?

And as far as the "banana republic" comment . . .I just have to say that the U.S. has been very involved in the way a certain Central American country runs its government. And the biggest difference between "protecting the executive branch" as Clinton ran it, and as W ran it would be the controversial war that has cost 1/2 a trillion dollars. Yeah, I think that warrants disclosure.

At Last! Bush is Gone! -- Montage of W's Gaffes

Barack and Michelle Obama - inauguration ball dance

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