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Can Anyone Really Get Into Heaven?

Crunchy says...

This video is looking like the atempts of busting evolution by christians, a bit pathetic especially in the evolution videos but i can see where your coming from so its all cool, however there are still easier ways to debunk the bible with common sence for instance.

Stephen Colbert Wins NASA Poll For Space Station Module Name

Funny (and Hot) Ventriloquist

Crunchy says...

Getting mocked by a ventriloquist must be the worst experience ever because the hilarity is purply based on ventriloquism and especially in this case where ventriloquism is exposed so she is practically saying it right to her face without a pun intended and gets away with it.

Still, was funny and a breath of fresh air in the ventrilo-business

Small House Seems Spacious

Sparrow landing in UltraSlo motion

The Simple Life in Finland

High Speed Camera Shows How Bats Land Upside Down

The Cock Shot sells for $4.95

Don't mess with Mr Burns

Ali G interviews Andy Rooney

Obama on Religion

Britain's Got Gas

Penn Says: Legalize Marijuana

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