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Paperclips respond to electromagnets under train floor

Creepy New Scientology Commercial 2

Crunchy says...

>> ^dag:
That's very effective, well-made commercial. This is going to hit a lot of sad people right in the sweet spot.
It's also pretty evil for doing that.

Someones got a case of the mondays

in all seriousness, yes i felt the same way.

It has the power!

Catwoman Makes Her Entrance

Crunchy says...

I am catwoman, hear me roawr, in numbers too big to ignore.
And im way too hungry! to settle for chick food, now im going on the prowl, to something something, DOUBLE WHOPPER MAC JUNIOR CHEESEBURGER DAMN THATS GOOD!!!

.. i get stuff mixed sometimes D: but im on the right tracks am I not?

World Record Waterfall Drop in a Kayak

'Fire Dave Letterman' Rally Draws Tens of People

The most awkward chair commercial ever!

Reporters getting OWNED compilation

Crunchy says...

>> ^burdturgler:
>> ^Fjnbk:
The grape lady wasn't hurt. Just overly dramatic.

The grape lady (A.K.A. "Melissa Sander") broke several ribs in the fall.
Any human being should be able to hear that she is crying in agony.
Nothing funny about it.

Well in my defence, if u look closly, she did try to cheat

Now THATS instant karma!

my fav was the girl on the freakishly large 4 wheeler, i love when women get paralyzed and doesnt stop giving it gas

How To Give A Toddler Nightmares For Life

Two girls, one giant piano

Group of Ostriches harass reporter

Office Busts Guy Needing Some Private Time

Megan Fox, as filmed by me one morning last week

Crunchy says...

It kinda makes me sad that without the shots flying by and the music and the lightning, all extra in other words she wouldnt seem nearly as hot D: it would look more like a B class porn film, not that i know how those look D:

Patriot Act Being Used Against a 16-Year-Old Boy


Ever wonder what -68 degrees looks like?

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