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now this is my kind of woman (automatic gunfire)

Youdiejoe's vid of the 2009 SoCal siftup

2009 SoCal Videosift Sift-Up

Obama on Investigating Bush Crimes: "Need to Look Forward"

Dog munching on cat

Ron Paul : Israel Created Hamas!

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

Terrible Games From A Terrible Games Company

Winless! Detroit Lions Fan Tattoo goes 0-16

BillOreilly says...

"There will be a Super Bowl championship in my lifetime."


Sarah Palin Says Keith Olbermann Is Evil

Evangeline Lilly likes a good piece of meat

Impenetrable Dog Force Field

Atheists launch bus ad campaign in UK

German Samurai Disarmed By Clever Cop

Ann Coulter is a Miserable Harpie

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