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Froggy Fresh - Christmas

Wow, Real hard rock truck

Bees Thrash Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Carol of the Bells"

Live: Ursids Meteor Shower 2024 is on Peak

LIVE Betelgeuse Supernova Explosion Is STARTING 12/24/2024

BSR says...

Betelgeuse is a red supergiant that has evolved from an O-type main-sequence star. After core hydrogen exhaustion, Betelgeuse evolved into a blue supergiant before evolving into its current red supergiant form. Its core will eventually collapse, producing a supernova explosion and leaving behind a compact remnant.

Finding Betelgeuse

Teacup Tattletail!

Most CHILLING play of all time?

Large car-sized drone spotted in Las Vegas

CBS 2001.9.6 Incident at Black Mesa Research Facility | HL

CBS 2001.9.6 Incident at Black Mesa Research Facility | HL

Surfing Swan

Have you tried this trick?!

Lockheed CL-1201 Aircraft Carrier Aircraft

Lockheed CL-1201 Aircraft Carrier Aircraft

The look on my face after I survived surgery

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Beggar's Canyon