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Should there be a *AwesomeSauce Invocation? (Sift Talk Post)

AwesomeSauce says...

Because dotdude thought I would like to know about this, I'm just going to comment and say: Sure, I don't mind this idea. =) I don't even use AwesomeSauce as my online handle much anymore unless I registered with a site earlier than a year ago.

Where do babies come from? A Christian sex ed video

Bear Showing Off his Mad Stick Twirlling Skillz

David Attenborough: Carnivorous Plants

School bus? we don't need no stinking school bus!

AwesomeSauce says...

To elaborate for those who didn't actually listen to the video: There's two cables. One that leads INTO the village, and one that leads OUT of it.

Anyway, that looks fun. I hate that damn dramatic scare-music they play in the background.

Bush gets Pooped On

E.T. for the Atari Commercial

Call Center - Hilarious short film on outsourcing

Best Halo 2 double kill ever

Wrestling with Microsoft Vista Speech Recognition!

Growth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Cyriak's animation mix

South Park - And the correct religion is...

South Park - And the correct religion is...

A harmless prank on the USC Student Body Vice President goes

AwesomeSauce says...

Yeah, man. I think that "air" is pretty expensive stuff. Comes all the way over from Japan, or something.

No, really, this is one of those perfectly harmless pranks that I would honestly appreciate. I love the balloons thing, man.

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