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Conan O'Brien at Detroit Auto Show


FOX's Wallace: Is Obama Really Prez After Bobbled Oath?

9364 says...

Anyone else notice it took mere seconds of Obama being president before hard-core right winters went off the deep end? Comments like this, which may be a bad joke, smack of loosing touch with reality. The complete cluster-bleep that is Hanity since then. Some of the absolute anti-american things I've been hearing on talk radio.

I don't know how any of these guys are going to make a full four years without being committed, or going suicidal.

Jon Stewart is Forced to Call Out Obama

Zero Punctuation: Farcry 2

9364 says...

I had a lot of fun with Far Cry 2. Yes it's immaculately repetitive, but for a shooter it's just strait up a blast. If you don't mind doing the same missions just in different places but love a good shooter with very solid combat and the best health system ever, you'll like Far Cry 2.

Running over zebra's is just a bonus.

Big Ass Badgers

Bush Booed At Obama's Inauguration

Bratz Dolls Give Girls Unrealistic Expectations Of Head Size

9364 says...

This one smacks of a Daily Show skit, only they are actors, not actual idiots.

Still, I wouldn't doubt if there is some truth behind this. Perhaps not with the heads but with the fact that they are so skinny they wouldn't realistically be able to support themselves.

But alas, Brats is a dying toy. The company that owns them lost to a lawsuit and the entire line is shutting down.

What Are 13% of Americans Afraid of?

9364 says...

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^volumptuous:
>> ^dannym3141:
The only comedy to rival the brits over the years has been black american comedians and bill hicks

And Mr.Show, and Office Space, and Big Lebowski, Idiocracy, Strangers With Candy, The State, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, Daily Show/Colbert, Zack Galafinakis, The Simpsons, Ren&Stimpy.... we can go on and on and on.

You can list stuff back and forth all day and disagree with what each other person says for fun whether you think it's true or not. So what's the point? Watch:
Mr. Show - definitely not
Idiocracy - see above
Strangers with Candy - see above
George Carlin - HUGE no
Richard Pryor - black comedian, which i listed
Daily show - close but no
Colbert - HUGE no
Now you'll just disagree with me and say those things are fucking great, but some of those make me despair, especially colbert, i can't believe you listed him
Ok so where now.......nope, nowhere, we can just disagree each other out all night, brits have definitely been the leaders in the comedy department. I'll let you have anything else, technology, success, even the things we once held proud like education and health, i'll even let you say we're getting as fat as you guys or possibly fatter, we're no longer quaint - packed with macdonalds and other terrible bland-brands that overtook better individual-brands, i'll let you say we're a bit of a hanger on internationally like the kid that hangs out with the bully, you've got the edge on industry, attractive people, land mass, weather, continental diversity within your country, most forms of entertainment, holidays, tourism, film industry, vehicles, engineering, and shit you're just generally nicer people.
But you can't have comedy, that's definitely ours, and i think i'm probably right in saying that too.. i bet a lot of americans would have to admit we've had the powerhouses of that genre.
(and probably military quality too, i'm taking that with me, that's ours, you can have military quantity and technology, i'm not greedy, and we'll share military embarassment every 1st and 3rd week)
Come on now, fair's fair.

I certainly disagree with you on a few of those. John Stewart is the funniest man on television, bar none.

Also the guy who listed those shows forgot the one, the only;

South Park!

And if you think South Park isn't funny, you must be British or something.

The Truth About U.S. Drug Laws

9364 says...

Bravo Duckman.

The idea that 'most' americans don't want Cannabis legalized is IMHO false considering that more people have or do smoke then people who don't and never have.

America the 'Free' my ass. It's only free to those with wool pulled over their eyes.

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

The George W. Bush Time Forgot

9364 says...

Cant you guys tell he's been training and studying for this? How many times does he say the 'we should be humble' line. He was quite obviously saying what he was taught to say, not what he believed. Yes, he was clearly in over his head and after gaining office (after LOOSING, lets not forget that, and being voted in by a republican court,) and after 9/11, he stopped being in charge of this country and started just listening to his 'advisers' and his vice president and simply enacting what he was told.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

9364 says...

>> ^AnimalsForCrackers:
>> ^Shepppard:
Shrooms aren't theraputic.
years ago my sister had a party here, and two of her friends took shrooms.
I still remember them freaking out so hard one of them actually wanted to go see my mom to make it better, but the other slapped her in the face and said that "We've gone too far now!"

It is true that mileage varies from person to person. Not to mention other mitigating factors like who you take them with, the environment taken in, your state of mind when ingesting, etc. Much care should be exercised in planning and preparation, before eating mushrooms all willy-nilly like.
For me, it was one of the best and most memorable experiences I've ever had with other human beings.

I agree completely. And it's not like the medical industry is just going to start giving prescriptions to mushrooms. If anything they'll make yet another pill form containing the specific chemicals, likely significantly 'watered down.' The drug industry is full of narcotic and hallucinogenic 'medicines.'

I personally have had my share of very positive experiences with a wide variety of hallucinogenic drugs both natural and man-made and I've found the 'magic mushrooms' are by far the least likely to produce a so called 'bad trip.' Especially compared to the likes of LSD. The experience mushrooms and other natural hallucinogenics such as Peyote, are a much milder, smoother and less grating effect, though often far more potent.

Ingesting Magic Mushrooms has Long Lasting Positive Effects!

9364 says...

>> ^Flood:
Um, did someone forget to tell these people that they were tripping? How can you have a significant spiritual experience while tripping? If you see a burning bush that is talking to you, but you are tripping, guess what, it isn't real because you are tripping!
You can of course have a significant experience that could impact the rest of your life, but please remember that they are the result of the drug. To pretend that the hallucinations where of spiritual origins is to delude yourself.

Simply because their 'spiritual experience' was drug induced does not mean it was any less significant. To not understand that is to not understand how drugs like these work.

Especially when you consider then going back through history such substances were used to induce such a spiritual experience. In pre-civilized times, and in some parts of the world to this day, the healers and mystics of villages used such substances to 'awaken their minds' and enter a spiritual journey in an attempt to heal the sick of both body and mind. Shamans and healers of this type have existed for thousands of years, so they must be doing something right, even if it's only inducing a sense of better health and healing that lasts a time.

Those in the study simply had a spiritual experience and a positive change of mind for more then a year, whether it was drug induced or produced simply from the chemicals in our brain doesn't really matter. It's all the same chemically. I should know, I have had both. Though non-visual 'spiritual experiences' are significantly more profound in personal experience and haven't just changed my views for a year but for going on two decades now.

Oh and this CNN piece is old, I remember seeing it early last year. Nice to see it on the Sift though.

Fastest gunman ever. Unbelievable Bob Munden

9364 says...

Guarantee that Bruce Lee would kick that guy in the face faster then he could actually shot him with a bullet. Simply because Bruce Lee was actually amazingly fast not just fake fast.

Yea that guys got one hell of an ego. Fastest fake shooter in the world baby!

As to 'nobody ever faced off in a gun duel, that's hollywood.' Yes nobody, accept a former president and dozens of other men going back into history.

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