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I have a bad case of diarrhea

"Its about the Constitution, Stupid!" - YT

9058 says...

Funny how Republicans like Bush get labeled as bullshit artist of do what i say not what i do hypocrisy when even Regan "the God of Conservationism" was full of shit. Not saying he was wrong in what he was saying, its just he didnt practice it. If anything he did the opposite. I consider myself a conservative but my god the republicans suck so much and they buy into their own bullshit so hardcore there is no getting through to them. Is it TV that does it? If you say it on TV that gives you complete immunity to lying your ass off? I just dont get it. Practice what you preach people.

Mindless Self Indulgence: "Shut Me Up"

Blood Squirting Lizard

9058 says...

Not to be a pessimist but how the hell is BLOOD a coyote repellent? Since when does blood scare a carnivore away that actually feasts on the stuff. You think it would make him even hungrier.

A real life Bambi and Thumper!

Portal "Still Alive" In Typography

Summoner 2 Interviews

How many times can you lift a bag of cement?

9058 says...

Watch and you can see the guy behind him with a knife quickly jab up at it when he lifts it. The horrible thing is if that is actually cement the incredibly dangerous effects when you breath the dust into your lungs.


9058 says...

Wow i tried to sift 2 other chapters of this awesome parody over a year ago and failed to get any votes. Assumed it was a lost cause. Bravo

Sarah Palin - Hillary Clinton Skit on SNL

The way "I am Legend" was supposed to end

9058 says...

Yeah i dont blame Will Smith for the shityness of this movie. On the contrary he is best at dramatic roles and did his best to carry it but yeah i could really get a sense that there were two endings. The same with the movie Sunshine. I hate where there is that cut that you just know, you have a feeling while watching it for the first time, this is the point where a decision was made and how this wont be the original ending.

PS- Using CGI zombies was a last minute decision that sank this movie. I worked with the special effects and makeup department that were let go from this production right before shooting began and believe me the stuff they can do is amazing.

John McCain's Gonna Bitch-Slap The Economy!!!

The English Language is Dum

9058 says...

I think all languages need to go through an overhaul. They say the longer a language exists the more it falls out of order with its original rules, this is where the absurdity of "silent letters" comes in. So join with me world, lets go through and drop all the letters we dont need anymore. Yes it might seem like a overly simplistic completely phonetic language but hey at least myself and the guy at Dell customer service can actually have a conversation we can both understand.

Bath Time

The Truth About Bottled Water - Penn & Teller Bullshit

9058 says...

I also drink practically nothing but water and what they dont mention is the temperature. Sure warm tap water is nasty but warm bottled water isnt that great either. If you serve it cold there is virtually no difference. I have had gallons upon gallons of tap water from the 6 different states I have lived in (one of them was well water) and there is no fucking difference and i saved a ton o' money. So I agree with them, we bitch and moan about gas prices when we pay more for bottled water, WATER, something that is practically free in every home. Its like having your own gas pump at home that you paid a small tax on but still going to Exxon to buy the Premium because your pump only has unleaded.

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