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Prop 8 spokesman says defeating gays like defeating Hitler

12028 says...

Alright this tipped me over the edge. I was procrastinating with my mail in ballot but after Obama's ad and then this video I marked it up yes for obama and no for prop 8, stamped it, and took it to the mailbox on the bottom floor of my apartment.

Moron runs himself over trying to exit a parking garage

Hygiene Tips With Alexyss (dedicated to blankfist with love)

12028 says...

2008 will be hailed as a great year in western world history; the year nut stank, funk, and dick dough were abolished forever by Alexyss and octagon(?) soap. 2008 indeed. Evocative of glorious years past. Years replete with liberating thought and progress: Luther's Reformation (1517), Hobbes Leviathan (1651), the French Revolution (1789), Darwin's Origin of Species (1859), and the collapse of communism (1989), to name a few.

How not to deal with a fire in a sound booth

Kid Chokes Dove at Ceremony

12028 says...

Reminds me of, Of Mice and Men ...

George: Lenny give me that there mouse, it just ain't fresh no more.
Lenny: But George I didn't mean to kill it, it's just so little and it bit my finger and I thumped it and it is just too little.

Ball Buster - a game for the whole family.

12028 says...

U.N.K.L.E. samples this ad on their late 90's release Psyence Fiction. I always wondered where it came from and if it was actually real. Your a ballbuster!

Idiot on Swing Accidentally Launched

John McCain: "That One"

That One

12028 says...

Good post, would have rid you of that P for sure. Unfortunately T-man beat you. If it is any consolation, he beat my post as well. Gotta be a damn quick draw with these election sifts.

Lehman Brothers CEO Attacked At Gym, Knocked Out Cold

National Debt Grows Too Big for National Debt Clock (0:35)

Nothing to Say

12028 says...

Hey NetRunner and other politics junkies (thinking of you ConstitutionalPatriot)what political blogs do you frequent?

On the left I go to:

In the center:

Don't spend much time on the right ...

Oh and a upvote for strategic use of Buena Vista Social Club

Nearly unanimous vote for Obama = "split" on FOX

How not to park on the driveway

The Wire: How to buy a sideways hat

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