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Someone Thought This Would Be An Awesome Music Video

10371 says...

Bassist: "What am I gonna do with this crowd of biker-bar hangouts?"
Drummer: "And what am I gonna do with this gift card for a half-hour of free blue-screen studio time?"
Both: " . . . Hey. Wait a minute. Are you thinkin' what I'm thikin'? Ha ha ha!"

As a side note, I think that studded-leather is like a +5 to your AC. Pretty sweet.

Lex Luthor is EVIL (7 sec)

Top 5 Laziest Inventions

Best porn intro ever!

10371 says...

So . . . that entire . . . well-choreographed, epic battle-scene was merely a set-up for a genital reveal!?! Man, I thought King Kong was bad, but Peter Jackson just continues to slip.

The Best of Unnecessary Censorship

Zero Punctuation: No More Heroes

Krull - Trailer

In Japan, they like to make sure their trains are FULL!

You're Guaranteed to Rewind This

10371 says...

Incorrect contractions aside, this video came up a little short on its guarantee. I didn't rewind, considering there are several slow-mo replays and that its just not that amazing.

|-o-| <-o-> |-o-|

Experience the POWER of Colt 45 w/ Billy Dee Williams

The Waldo Ultimatum

Objective journalist wonders if Obama is the Antichrist

10371 says...

He just loves to hear him himself talk; doesn't he? He doesn't even let the GUEST comment. Just thows it out there and cuts to commercial.

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