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Sifl & Olly :: My United States of Whatever

Weight-lifting - euro training style

Should I Smoke Dope?

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Dead Fantasy, Round 2

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Bob Dylan - JUDAS!

10304 says...

>> ^castles:
It's in reference to Dylan going electric and "betraying" his acoustic/folk roots. People were so upset about this switch that he had to perform half his shows acoustically and half electrically to try to ease people in to it.

He performed the first half of his shows acoustically because a big part of his material is acoustic, not to try to ease audiences into his new stuff. Dylan performed some of his protest songs with his rock band (The Band), and some of his non-protest stuff acoustically, probably to fuck with his audience.

Top 5 Directors? (Cinema Talk Post)

10304 says...

Quick list, unordered. I'll elaborate on it later:

1 - Stanley Kubrick
2 - Jean-Luc Godard
3 - Martin Scorcese
4 - Wim Wenders
5 - Alfred Hitchcok

Second Best Lightsaber Duel Ever

True Norwegian Black Metal

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