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top 11 Animaniac naughtiest moments

Patrick Stewart "Secrets"

I'm Voting Republican! - You'll Get What You Deserve!

Clintons for McCain - Biggest Idiots in Existence

There is NO LAW -- US Lawyer Not Guilty of Tax Evasion

10148 says...

A lot of stupid comments on these videos regarding John Lockes social contract and the duty to pay taxes blah blah blah. More recently "BrknPhoenix"'s comment suggesting you move to another country if you dont like it. But the fact remains there is no law about INCOME TAX, not ALL TAXES. Like sales tax. So there still is valid and lawful taxes, but income tax is not legal. Get of your high horse, read a book, and be a true American and revolt against this bullshit...

Chris Matthews expands on his "exchange" with Kevin James

FlatWire - Slef Adesive surface Wiring. This shit is cool

10148 says...

You dont have to destroy walls or anything to change wiring, you just fish it through. Working as an electricians apprentice I learned how to do it fairly fast. I can't imagine having to paint the walls everytime I buy an appliance or replace one, which is much more often then I would replace the actual wiring in the walls. I like that people are thinking of new ways, but this is just stupid.

John McCain asks "why not 100?"

10148 says...

My problem with your opinion regarding what Mcain will do is based on what he says on what your fed through American News Media. Besides that I don't know that you said anything about my comment, so why quote it?

John McCain asks "why not 100?"

10148 says...

Maintaining a presence is these countries is why Americans have such a bad rep worldwide. People in your country wear Canadian flags when they travel for good reason. Now Mcain wants to perpetuate your imperialism, that's where the problem lies. In my hometown alone you secured a whole block, and took two lanes of our downtown roads for the protection of your stupid embassy after 9/11. So you've already started to invade Canada... under Mcain I can only imagine what's next.

Argument For Euthanasia Of Supreme Court Justice Scalia.

10148 says...

Torture is a punishment for not providing information you idiot. You are assumed to have information and then punished for not providing it... that usually is where torture comes from. Wow... this guy has too much power for someone sooo stupid.

We hereby claim this website in the name of Canada

We hereby claim this website in the name of Canada

Gary Busey Mauls Jennifer Garner

14 Signs of Fascism

10148 says...

I like how you picked and choose what evidence the video used to support the points, then dissected that one example instead of looking at the whole issue.

" 2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Liberals want foreign invaders (as well as illegal aliens) to automatically be protected by American law. Abu Ghraib was an anomaly, not the norm."

They also talked about, Long prison sentences, general complacency for assassinations and the like. It's funny that you think Abu Ghraid is not the norm. You need to brush up on your history and current events. Your country has more secret prisons in various countries all over the globe than all other countries put together. Your general disdain for human rights is not limited to Abu Ghraid and illegal aliens... all one needs to do is go to a prison to see that (almost 50% of all your prisoners are there for personal addiction) , but thanks for participating.

14 Signs of Fascism

10148 says...

USA, Im just glad I dont live there. Its sad to say, but its a growing consensus worldwide, as a traveler I know. People used to want to live there....but now with government corruption at its highest, and a complacent public. Your country is looking like the most fascist country I can think of and have even been too. Looking in from the outside, it looks like you love trading freedom for protection. I hope you enjoy your protection, soon ... it'll be all you have.

It may not be facism by the 1940 definition, but none will ever be exactly like that again. Just look at all the laws your government implements on a daily basis.. if your country was so great why all the new laws? why all the protection? Why not Freedom?

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