Wii is HERE!!!
After 17 1/2 hours waiting in line ... we (hubby, son, & daughter) are finally home and thawing out!!
we were well prepared with blankets, pillows, chairs, games, chili, homemade bread, soda, chips, chocolates, water, beanbag chair, hats, sweaters, tv table, candles, etc ...
we waited at bestbuy ... they had 102 units available and we were #28!!! the children were great and we had a really fun time. oddly enough, i was the first girl in the queue (i did see 2 others near the end though).
i'll pop back with a little review later on ... but just wanted to share in the excitement with everyone!
we were well prepared with blankets, pillows, chairs, games, chili, homemade bread, soda, chips, chocolates, water, beanbag chair, hats, sweaters, tv table, candles, etc ...
we waited at bestbuy ... they had 102 units available and we were #28!!! the children were great and we had a really fun time. oddly enough, i was the first girl in the queue (i did see 2 others near the end though).
i'll pop back with a little review later on ... but just wanted to share in the excitement with everyone!
So... what did you guys play first? Wii Sports? Zelda? One of the virtual console classics?
I'm going for the PS3..
once all the uber aartards stop buying them for thousands of dollars on eBay.
*Claps!* Good job guys... and oddly enough? What you are talking about? There were prolly nerds drolling at you...
LadyBug, I am totally basing my purchase of the Wii based on your impressions. Fill us in.
WOW! is all i can say!
if i had thought enough about it in advance ... i would have bought an extra to sell on ebay. they were going for about $600 this morning. now they're down to about $400 or so!
time to make din-din! 
let's just say that the console has not been turned off all day. being the sensible mom ... i suggested that we just start with the Wii sports and see where that takes us! well, almost 8 hours later ... we will definitely be getting zelda (and i'm going to get 'trauma surgeon' *wink*).
it is so life-like. there is no lag ... the play is extremely fluid. of course the graphics aren't as crystal as would be with the PS3 ... but it's so immersive that you don't even notice. the game cube games & controllers are compatible with it and there are add-ons like the tennis racket, golf club and steering wheel.
we all made a Mii character (which was extremely customizable <
i think that's it for now!!
Nooo, you must not let the new consoles distract you from VideoSift.
I haven't had a game console since Atari 2600! I don't need another one. PC gaming is enough and I barely have time for it.
If I get it for free, then I don't mind.
PC owns all Console systems... but is such a solitary affair unless it's a LAN.
do you have 480p? I guess you have to buy extra cables for the HD outputs. Just wondering if it looks any better. I doubt the super graphics games have really come out yet. You only have so much computing power, and quite a bit goes into gesture recognition. I'm not sure about what graphics they put on there, but the cpu is not even a 360 level.
I saw it in action on a friend's TV, and I must say while the controls are amazing and really intuitive, the Gamecube 1.5 type graphics really don't impress... Red Steel is disappointing rushed...
ladybug, buy Zelda, play it to the end and then tell me ALL about it.
This pretty much summs up what I've heard about you Wii little people: http://www.xkcd.com/c186.html
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