Welcoming the Spring with Neatorama

It's time for our weekly update from Sift parter Neatorama.com. Check out the neat stories below and their site for lots of great stories (and material to submit to the Sift .

15 Vintage Household Ads

Kitch and nostalgia abound. Definitely got a kick looking at these! Favorite? "Weighting only 8 lbs" to describe the portable TV of the future....

Why “Expert” Advice Suddenly Makes Us Stupid

It’s long been known that if you want someone to do something (especially if that "something" is contrary to what they’re likely to do in the first place), give them an "expert" advice. But why is that?...

Dear AIG: I Quit!

In the ongoing saga of the economic crisis, AIG has been squarely portrayed as the villains. Everybody piled on the bandwagon of villifying the greed and brazenness of their multi-million dollar bonuses (yes, including this blog). But is that the full and true story? Here’s a letter published in the Opinion section of The New York Times - it’s a resignation letter, actually, sent by Jake DeSantis, an executive VP of the AIG’s much maligned Financial Products unit, explaining why he quit...

Scientists Prove Crabs (Crustaceans) Feel and Remember Pain

Maybe those things really are screaming in agony when you toss them into the boiler.
Not so good news for crustacean lovers. According to a research from Queen’s University Belfast researchers, crabs not only feel pain, but also remember it. Professor Bob Elwood and Mirjam Appel, whose study was published in the journal Animal Behavior, used electric shocks on hermit crabs to determine their response to unpleasant external stimuli....

Cow Pee Cola Coming Soon to India's Supermarket Shelves

It doesn’t sound very appetizing. But the Cow Protection Department of the Rashtriya Sawyamseval Sangh wants to make a cola from cow urine, claiming that the soda would taste good, be healthy and could cure diseases, even cancer. ...

Jane Elliott’s Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes Experiment on Racism

This is a very interesting study about how frighteningly well a teacher taught her young students the reality of racism.
Rather than a lengthy discussion about it, she decided to show the 8-year-olds what racism is all about in a famous "experiment"...

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