Videosift Dashboard:

Generally I have been advocating interface improvements over features additions. Things like AJAX tag editing are much more valuable than comment up/downvoting, that's my guideline.

I think as things have got more complicated, the interface is getting more difficult to organise all one one page, it's getting inconsistent across pages, people argue about whether thing X should be at the top of the page or the bottom, people use different pages as their "main" page (queue, comments, profile, whatever)

The solution to this is where users can add and remove widgets that display the info they are interested in.

e.g. i might have these widgets configured like this:
queue latest 10
current queue of farhad2000
last 10 threads i have commented in that have since received more comments
british channel latest 3
ant's downvotes latest 3
links to my favourite 10 users ranked by my upvotes
dead videos tagged airplane or beatbox, latest 5
search results for "russia"

All these things are not really feature additions, they are just SQL queries, they are not ridiculously hard to code, but they would transform my sifting experience and encourage me to participate more. There's your sticky feature. This would kick so much more ass than sift money in a clunky interface.
dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

The idea has merit. Although - I'm not sure if we would want the "main" page to be a dashboard á la social networking site.

For our kind of site - isn't it about a simple, chronological vertical list of things you want to see?

I'd be interested in hearing others thoughts on this - I could be wrong. There is this site called Facebook that gets a few hits I've heard.

MINK says...

well for guests, they just want a list of 10 hilarious videos without doing any work.

but if you actually do work here, it's getting quite difficult, and a dashboard would help, and could be different for each user (no more arguing about interface layout... just DIY in true web 2.0 style)

and the best thing here is the community, not the videos, and the community would be helped enormously if there were a few more facebooky things going on. look at the popularity of the mlx interview. we are a community, not a big shed full of robots.

faccebook is crap because it is general, there is no focus, no reason to be there. videosift is not crap because we are here for a reason, to sift and discuss video clips.

i want a VS friends list (and believe me, i hate myspace, and never thought i would actually want a friends list for anything, but here i have started to feel it would be ace... profile reply is not enough and i don't do RSS)

i keep seeing great stuff that i have missed in the queue... the volume is so great now... a vertical list aint cutting it.

MINK says...

so... turn off those modules in the dashboard, that's the whole point.

and i didn't mean to emphasise the networking thing so much... or compare to facebook so much... what i really mean is there are thousands of ways to sift, every user has different opinions, a customisable dashboard solves that.

MarineGunrock says...

Well, now that the idea fully sinks in (my brain has been cloudy from the flu )I think that it would be pretty cool so long as the home page for VideoSift stays the same.
Maybe there could a a widget that tracks your queued videos so you can see how many votes they have? Like a condensed list?

Yeah, I think this can work. Just no social networking

MINK says...

it's, so yes the homepage stays the same.

and i know your name, and i have messaged you on your profile, you have an avatar, i can subscribe to an RSS feed of your posts... isn't that social networking?

i think you are getting hung up on the nasty buzzword thing, all i am talking about is a page where we can select what links appear and what don't appear. I would put you in a list of people i want to check out from time to time, you would not have such a list, aaaaand we're all happy. there would be maybe 20 other modules that are NOT friends lists.

absolutely any objection to this can be answered by saying "so just don't turn on modules you don't like, it's YOUR page, do what you want with it."
that's what a dashboard is.

i will now go and wash my mouth out for ever saying "facebook" ok?

MarineGunrock says...

You only think you know my name! But you're absolutely right. With everything fully customizable, no one would have anything to complain about. I just got sidetracked when you said "friends list" like this was going to be another "Hey man! add me to 2 ur friendz!" thing. But a lost of people wold be cool, because I know there are a few sifters who's posts I almost always enjoy. So now -

+1 for this idea. Any others?

MINK says...

dag what are you saying now it's explained that this is not the new homepage? i mean people that don't want this don't even have to go to

and lucky, what are the coding implications? i guess it just depends how many options you offer in each widget, and how many widgets. but at least you could start simple and add more over time, and it wouldn't take so much testing, because it's not changing the data at all, just the user's preferences. right?

really, i am trying to save you the hassle of a million sifttalk threads about interface positioning of X which only 50% of people actually want/like/use, and the other 50% are opposed to. you can just throw everything in the dashboard, and that will even help you slim down the other pages like dag's vertical lists...

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