This Is The End.
With my video count standing at a very iconic 999 video posts, I feel it's time to take stock of my time and my experience here on VS.
The place really has changed a lot from the days when it was all green and orange, and it was a small tight knit group of people posting videos for pretty much each other. Channels came and went, there was some celebration when traffic numbers were broken and VS got featured in PC World.
Is it better? Well there is way more people, much more videos, more channels and tags then you can shake a stick at, comments posted by the second rather then by the hour. Whether is better or not is not for me to exclusively say, as people enjoy this website immensely, a testament to what Dag hit on when he came up with it, to Lucky with his modifications and eventually self coded CMS, and James for the earlier days when he used to Admin it.
But I feel its not the same, I feel its too big, its become a way station for all the videos around the internet rather then being exclusively quality based. But that was going to happen eventually anyway, there is a reason the Billboard and Box Office is so meaningless now, because they all operate on lowest common denominator factors. It's unavoidable no matter how much we would like to think otherwise. In a democratic structure we are all burdened to follow the Bell curve. We have overshot Dunbar's number here a long time ago. This is not a criticism its simply the nature of this free form beast. I don't really see a way this could have been avoided.
It's been fun for me, but I think it's time to move on. I think the medium of Internet video is still in premature growth, from hosts like Youtube, to way stations like VS, internet video will become categorized and edited in a magazine format in the future, an extension of the channels system we used to have back in VS 2.0.
With that belief me and Mink along with a few sifters have started our own site, small and cultist, exploring our own interests. Find it at
It's been a great ride, I may come back and comment here and there.
I came, I saw, I posted, and all I got was a lousy t-shirt.
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