The Simpsons Giveaway!
D'oh! Welcome to the VideoSift Shop Simpsons Giveaway! Enter yourself as many times as you'd like for your chance to win one of our awesome prizes from the Simpsons Store in the Sift Shop! This special Simpsons giveaway has lots more prizes than any of our past contests! 
Grand Prize winner will receive a Lard Lad with Homer Simpson Figurine

Two runners up will win any choice of VideoSift exclusive t-shirt

The methods of entry are as follows:
You may earn a maximum of 10 links from each of Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. You mean earn Video Bonus entries for only one video. For Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, each unique product will be counted only once.
No more than one photo and one video will be accepted per person. If you submit multiple videos, we will accept whichever earns you the most entries. For the Video Bonus entries, videos need not be that which is accepted for contest entries, but they must adhere to the same specifications described above.
Entries will be accepted through July 24, 2011 at 11:59PM US Pacific. The more you enter, the greater you chances of winning!
*Comments in the Facebook widget below can not be accepted. Please "connect" with Facebook and submit a comment using the VideoSift comment form.
Clarifications to these rules may be made at any time without notice. Please check back periodically until the contest has ended for the most accurate information.
Don't have a cow, man.

Grand Prize winner will receive a Lard Lad with Homer Simpson Figurine

2nd Place winner wins 1 can of Duff Energy Drink | 3rd Place winner wins 1 can of Flaming Moe Energy Drink | 4th Place winner wins 4 tins of Duff Mints |
Two runners up will win any choice of VideoSift exclusive t-shirt

How to Enter
Our last giveaway was such a hit that we decided entries for this one would work in a similar fashion. You may earn as many entries as you'd like. Each entry that is valid at the end of the contest will add your name into our pool of potential winners. At the conclusion of the contest, we will select SIX winning names completely at random, with a maximum of one prize per person.The methods of entry are as follows:
Post to Twitter a link to any product in the VideoSift Shop and paste the link to that specific tweet in the comments* below - note: your tweet must be visible to everyone
Post to Facebook a link to any product in the VideoSift Shop and paste the link to that specific Facebook post in the comments* below - note: you must make sure your Facebook post is visible to "Everyone" (you can do this by clicking the gear icon next to the "Share" button)
Post to Google+ a link to any product in the VideoSift Shop and paste the link to that specific Google+ post in the comments* below - note: you must make sure your Google+ post is visible to "Public"
Take a photo of anything, but include in writing the words "", "The Simpsons", and "Giveaway" somewhere in the shot; paste a link to your photo in the comments* below (the required content must be captured by the camera, not added afterward and not part of a digital screenshot)
Record a video without your face visible and include in writing or spoken audibly "", "The Simpsons", and "Giveaway"; paste a link to your video in the comments* below (the required content must be captured by the camera, not added afterward)
Record a video with your face visible and include in writing or spoken audibly "", "The Simpsons", and "Giveaway"; paste a link to your video in the comments* below (the required content must be captured by the camera, not added afterward)
Earn these bonus points by recording a video in either manner as described above and getting it published on VideoSift; paste a link to your sifted video in the comments* below (someone else will have to submit it for you to avoid self-linking)
You may earn a maximum of 10 links from each of Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. You mean earn Video Bonus entries for only one video. For Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, each unique product will be counted only once.
No more than one photo and one video will be accepted per person. If you submit multiple videos, we will accept whichever earns you the most entries. For the Video Bonus entries, videos need not be that which is accepted for contest entries, but they must adhere to the same specifications described above.
Entries will be accepted through July 24, 2011 at 11:59PM US Pacific. The more you enter, the greater you chances of winning!
*Comments in the Facebook widget below can not be accepted. Please "connect" with Facebook and submit a comment using the VideoSift comment form.
Clarifications to these rules may be made at any time without notice. Please check back periodically until the contest has ended for the most accurate information.
Don't have a cow, man.
Entrant Tallies
- @BoneRemake: 15 entries
- @mintbbb: 15 entries
- @gwiz665: 30 entries
- @Lann: 54 entries
- @thegrimsleeper: 2 entries
- @residue: 10 entries
Entry Content
- @BoneRemake:
- @mintbbb:
- @gwiz665:
- @Lann:
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