The New Sift Widget

We've just launched a new VideoSift Widget that lets you put the top 15 new VideoSift list on your blog, website or MySpace page. It's also available for all of our channels. We have it up on the front page now in place of the regular top 15 just to show you how it works.

Thanks to our designer and Flash guru Lukas over at Sift Works Poland, and Lucky for doing the backend coding.

We've tested it on a few blog platforms, but it's hard to be exhaustive in this area. If you have blog or Website, please try it out and give us some feedback.

Update: we've taken it off our front page for now to work out some kinks with our layout, but please feel free to try out the widget on your site. (YMMV)
plastiquemonkey says...

i've been meaning to ask if you could do this! will it be possible to control the input, like to show a personal playlist? i'd like to show my "recent favorites" playlist, if i can.

in terms of the design, i was thinking of something like the flickr profile widget. you can see mine in the footer of my blog. the images are generated fresh every time the page is loaded, but the whole thing is just a link to the page -- it doesn't link to individual photos.

for videosift, maybe different widgets could link to the front page, or one of the top videos, or a playlist? would that be easier than allowing people to click directly on one video and be taken right to that page? on videosift, you need to be able to deep link to the video itself, but from other places, you could just bring people to a page.

so it could say, "see this week's top videos on" with the thumbnails from those videos shown in a banner (would have to be generated from the actual list). then you click the banner (the whole thing is a link) and get taken to the "top videos-this week" page. for users, you could have "see my latest posts", or "see my latest published videos", or "see my (something) playlist".

does that make sense?

Krupo says...

Very cool - I like pm's idea.

Also, dag, what's the "lifespan" of a video in the top 15 for the channels? I know the main page top 15 is 7 days - but I saw older ones in the cute channel...

viewer_999 says...

This is sure to be an unpopular post, but is there any way to make use of that new widget optional within user preferences? I find it terrible (sorry!). It doesn't allow me to ctrl-click launch a link in another tab (a vital feature - what's the point in multiple tabs if we can't use them effectively?), I can't seem to scroll it up, and it goes way too slow, so basically it doesn't give me the freedom to see what I want at a glance. I just want the plain old web code back. :-/

Oddly enough, sometimes I do get the old format, and sometimes the new widget. So I'm not sure what's going on there, but it's only increasing the chaos.

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