Suggestion for 3.0

It's time to bring back a chat room so I can call people names in real time.

Here is a meebo example (marvel at my typing skillz)

Click HERE for better full screen client with video player!

And in case you missed out, here is the chat log from the first day of the VideoSift Chatroom. I think this works very well for sifters and even posting or recommending videos. I do NOT like the inability to make private or keep the chat logs off the internets. But I hope the admins give it some thought.
karaidl says...

Karaidl like, too!!

I see this one recommended in PCWorld all the time (Do I cite them too much?). Meebo integrates all sorts of chat programs into one, so if you have an AIM account you can chat with people on Yahoo or Google.

Here's a few articles on the new Meebo Rooms for websites.

A nice little review and another where Meebo was named the top IM client.

And it made it into their 2007 101 Fantastic Freebies. Ok, that's enough articles, methinks.

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