thesnipe says...

I know Fox has been clamping down on YT vids that are "copyrighted" by them, it's probably them finally getting a dedicated team on it.

choggie says...

Yeah well, sharing moments we all remember is (*ad nauseum) all well and good-However.....I don't even ovte simpsons any more, cause the shit is played-

let's pray to Mustapha Cornelius, that the goddamn Daily Show, and Comedy Central, follows suit, all ya creativity-deprived, and, ya masters of some contextual spin, and really good tags and titles.......!

Down with a recap of last night's sports, or remakes of TV shows into mooovies, etc, etc etc, Halloween IVMMXX!!!!

MarineGunrock says...

Yeah, I don't vote for things like TDS and Robot Chicken either - It's all too easy to find those and post them. But sometime I do want to watch a classic clip from the Simpsons, and it will suck if I can't.

firefly says...

It's not just Simpsons, the Futuramas are pretty much gone too. We're going to need a "Groening Section" for the Deadpool
and what will become of the woohoo! channel?

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