Safari Improvements

Hi all, Lucky has made some changes to the VaroCMS code that underpins VideoSift. As far as I can tell - all of the Safari problems are now fixed. That means that you can now dynamically expand videos by clicking on the thumbnail and dynamically expand comment threads without refreshing the whole page. Please give it a whirl and let us know if there are still problems.

We'd also like to get some iPhone reports. Although I know iPhone doesn't do Flash video yet, the UI should still work.
oxdottir says...

Comment leaving has definitely improved from iphones. Unfortunately, if we try to expand comments, without going to the new url, there is no way to scroll the comment window (so it is useless unless there are fewer than 3 short comments). We can always go to the video-specific URL, so this isn't major. Also, we can't login from the normal top right button, but only if we go to Videosift/login -- basically anything that involves a popup panel won't work.

These are not huge problems, and I am much happier with the comment-leaving behavior (it's not only more correct--it's also faster).

I cruise the sift on my iphone a lot. There are a couple of things that would make me exceedingly happy, but the most important is when I am watching a video embedded from YouTube, I would really like to be able to get to the YouTube URL. I can't just click the flash the way I can from my desktop or laptop. If I have a YouTube URL, I can watch the flash. If there was some tiny little iphone icon for youtube videos that I could bug to take me to the youtube url, it would make me eccstatic. I realize this is not a very pleasant feeling solution because I can only play videos from youtube. On the other hand, having a link to the embed URL doesn't seem like a bad thing in general. The other thing that I would like is admittedly stupid and I want it only because of the greatest flaw on iphones: I wish there was a page specific search field. Stupid iphone has no search (or copy and paste) function, and if it is a long, active thread, I might really like to see what a particular person has said, or what has been said on a particular topic. A search would be nice to get me to the right spot on a long page. I realize this should be exceedingly low priority--or no priority. But it would make Videosift more pleasant for those of use with those silly boxes (this is much less important than the ability to follow the youtube url).

I don't mean to be demanding. I'm only mentioning what would make me happy. And in any case, the new comment functionality is wonderful: thank you.

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