Question about Discarded posts...

So far I have had about four of my posts discarded so far, and while I can understand a few of them, so others I felt that no one actually viewed them at all and were taken off for no one saw them...

I looked in the FAQs to see the rules of discard reposting, but couldn't find it...

Does anyone know the rule about being able to repost videoes that were previously discarded?

Also off topic, I never thought that Wrestling would be so controversial here at videosift... I seem to be the first person to actually post any wrestling videos and its has sparked so much hate during the time its ben on it, though that might be the reason why I'm already 15 on new videos posted...
mas8705 says...

ok thats good to know... Next chance I get I'll go ahead to see about reposting some of my discarded videos...

Would I have to refill out the post new sift, or could I do a requeue command to get it going again?

mas8705 says...

ok then no problem... I'll just have to make sure I use the Requeue command for now on...

All I ask now (if possible) for this question to be part of the FAQs in case other newcomers may ask this same question and that (if possible again) if we can talk this off the sift talk for I wasn't sure of any other way to ask this question other than to use sift talk and how this maybe considered using space that other talks should have...

choggie says...

Am I mistaken, or did it used to be in the older versions, that if a sift was discarded due to lack of votes, you could not reuse the same embed?? i used to simply find another....Also mas8705, I have found, that tenacity with regard to posting it again, perhaps with some adjusted tags and clever title, may get it out the queue, after folks remember your zeal.....I always vote anything up, that some poster, really really loves personally, or goes into detail describing, without the help of cut and in, knowledge and experience-tend to lean towards archival and reference when voting.."would I want to watch this again?'

raven says...

In the old version, chogs, when a sift was discarded due to lack of votes, its not that the same embed could not be reused, but if the new title was the same, or very close to the same, oftentimes then Siftbot would not allow the post... am pretty sure you could use the same embed though.

And Mas, choggie is right, try resubmitting with a better title, oftentimes, I will upvote something if only for a clever title and tags... am sure others sometimes operate along these lines as well.

Also, what are you talking about in regards to wrestling videos and people bring on the Hatez... example please?

mas8705 says...

I'll try to redo my monkey humping glitch later...

Anyway... check out the 500 pound superplex... there is so much hate there, its insane... that and also I found out that I got knocked off the Top 15 again...

raven says...

Hmmm... I don't think all those people who were crying 'FAKE' were exhibiting 'hate'... I mean, a good many of them also voted for it. Its just pro wrestling, and well, it is fake, right?

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