New Playlist URLs

As you may have noticed, over the past weeks the playlist feature has been exploding in popularity. With the growing number of playlists some Sifters have been getting creative with their playlist titles, which is perfectly fine, except that some such playlists started breaking as a result of unusual characters.

We have implemented a new address/URL system for playlists that is similar to that of normal video/ST posts. For most of you this change will not be too important, but there are some significant things to note.

  1. Any old links to your playlists are now invalid. However, the good news is that instead of getting a "404 Not Found" error, loading an old playlist address will load the user's playlist listing page.

  2. When you create a new playlist, the title you use will be used to create the URL to the playlist and that URL will not change even if you change the title again later. This is so that any links will not break again in the future.

  3. Most importantly, I think, there are no longer any restrictions about what type of characters are allowed in your playlist's name. Also, the length allowed for the titles has been increased by more than double.

This might make some people unhappy, but let me assure you it's much better for us to redo this from scratch now, early on in it's lifetime, instead of having much worse problems later. For a geek analogy, we'd rather be like Apple and force everyone to conform to better functionality than to be like Microsoft and keep piling buggy, error-prone "fixes" into an already inferior product.

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