plastiquemonkey says...

slightly off-topic playlist request:

is there some way we could see what playlists a video is on? maybe another line below the list of people favoriting the post? it'd be a nice easy way to follow links between videos and for the playlist idea to get promoted.

right now, there's no way of knowing who's made a new playlist, unless you go to everyone's user page and check. so if (for example) swampgirl's made a christmas playlist just recently, how many people would notice (except for this blog post)?

there's also no way of knowing if there are new items added to a playlist. and if there're added to the end of a long playlist, they won't show up on the first page of the it. so if farhad adds a new post to the ObscureMusic playlist (73 videos long!), no one will know about it unless they make a point of checking through the whole thing.

sorry, have no idea if this is easy or difficult to do. but it would be a nice way to tie the sift together, if possible...

choggie says...

....yessir, i would have to second that last monkey-muse...which brings me to another suggestion for the self-appointed, tidiing, and blingin' sprite...We aught to have a ticker, countin' off the seconds, mins etc, since each member joined...Ha! Geezers! I see all kindsa new opprtunities for ball-busting...
CHOGGIE_74 days 8 hours 25 minutes ago
....(coincides with the last time, perhaps, you got lucky,lucky-or someone's bithday, or gall bladder surgery, etc...

...all for more bells and whistles, as it does'nt compromise the current ease of navigation, or become so convoluted that it causes seizures, or blends into greytones, from vomitous colour combinations....

swampgirl says...

Thanks for pimping my playlist a bit...even if it's just "for example" sake. Now I need to learn how to you guys make your profile pages soooo perdy... ;-)

What PM suggested sounds great...sort of another version of "favorites" under a vid.

lucky760 says...

Great suggestions, PM. In the ST sidebar (right over ---> there) you'll notice a new listing a few playlists either created or having a video added most recently.

I've shared the same sentiments about the sort of inaccessible nature of the playlists since they launched. Hopefully this will help a bit.

SG: It's not just for example's sake; you created a great collection of holiday vids! Great going.

firefly says...

While we're on the subject of playslists...lately I haven't been able to add any new vids. I use the drop down menu and get an error message. ("an error occured while adding the video to your playlist") I've tried it in the main screen and in my profile page, nothing. I've gotten around this by opening the link in a new tab and adding it that way. So far, so good.

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